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Hey guys!
I have held off on this for a long time, as I’m afraid this will drive people away from commissioning me, but today was my last straw.

Every month there’s at least one or two people that dip out on their slot when the time comes for the invoice. I take up commissions trying to make a living (i don’t even make a minimum wage in my country) and it’s difficult, as art is not an essential part of everyday life. But when someone reserves a slot I hope that like me, they plan for it and around it and take it into account. However that doesn’t seem to be the case.

So moving forward when someone reserves a slot I will create the invoice right away and ask to pay 20-50% (of their commission) non-refundable deposit, and the rest when the month that their slot is for begins.
However, I wanted to hear what you guys think about how much a client should pay to reserve a slot. Ideally between 20-50% :) 

Thanks for listening and I hope you know how much i appreciate your support here and in general. I don’t think you’ll ever know how helpful it is and how much it inspires me 

P.S. This means I have one slot open for this month if anyone is interested 😊



Mixed about it... But it's better for my wallet ultimately paying in halves & quarters.


Honestly, having a deposit up front is a good policy. I would probably encourage asking for half up front.


It's a sudden shift mostly. I had gotten familiar to your old system. This change is much more practical to be honest. Will you start a Trello or similar board to track the slots?


It is and it isn’t I suppose. Because if the person is serious about the fact that they are reserving a slot then it’s the same amount that they are paying overall anyway. This way it just discourages people that will most likely cancel at the last minute anyway.


That is true, and in that case the commission can be pushed back. I’ve always been sympathetic regarding emergencies, however this is more about people that refuse to plan for something that they agreed to plan for so to speak. I’ve never insisted on payment when it’s an emergency. But i’d also like to point out that I don’t know of any business that cares for someone else’s emergency or lack of planning 🤔 thats why deposits exist


I think that whatever ensures your time isn't wasted as creator is the best course of action. :) I think a 50% deposit is not unreasonable at all.


Thank you so much for the support heh I hope people won’t mind the 50% deposit 😊


A deposit upfront is a great idea honestly moving forward! Especially since this has been a recurring issue as you said.


I would say that full cost up front would be fine too but at least 50% is good. Hope you haven't had too much trouble because of such people 💜

Azura Cannon

It's honestly not a bad plan. It guarantees you get something at the minimum and it also makes it easier for people to actually afford a commission if they want one. Instead of paying the full price at once, it does make it more affordable for those that DO want to get one.

Azura Cannon

I wouldn't mind this. Currently my fun money has been at a low, and this would allow me to still commission you if I could pay partially as the deposit and the rest after the finished product.

Omar Sanchez

A 50% upfront cost would be good. I’ve seen some artists do the same, just as a safety measure so to speak.


Didn't notice the Trello comment, but I already use notion.so to track all my commissions and the stages that they are at.

Ciera Shaw

Personally I've always paid the full cost upfront for every one of my commissions and in my opinion people shouldn't be ordering commissions if they don't have the necessary funds on hand. If they don't, save up some cash and wait for next month's slots.


Shit just make them pay 100% upfront.

Jason Trent

I'm late to the party, but I agree that paying 50-100% upfront is fine