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Hey guys!

I am excited to talk a little bit about a collaboration project with another artist :) We have decided to create a fun little visual test. Like one of those personality tests you see online or which Disney princess you are hah ,but more oriented on NSFW content and our audiences. I present to you - Dream Futa. It’s a fun little test where it will be determined which of these Futas would suit you most based on the answers that you provide :)

here are some very rough preliminary sketches of all the 6 futas we have for you at the moment in the test. If this takes with our audiences we might expand the test further to include extras and more types of futas :) We will soon start working on the beta prototype (which will be available tot he public) just as soon as I have time to clean up the sketches and translate the dialogues we have in Russian at the moment.

All of the behind the scenes work on this project and projects alike will only be posted on here , so please enjoy!

Let me know what you think! And which one, visually at least, appeals most to you :)



Azura Cannon

I personally like the Rich and Shy Futa the most

Azura Cannon

I know it's a bit late but I believe I started to support you after the 6th so I missed the notification for this