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Hi, y'all awesome souls!

Here's this month doodles! I found some more old stuffs! (and some new!) Apparently I just don't finish many pics lol!

Here we go!

1. A tour guide and a petgirl

Or a tour guide who ended up becoming a petgirl. I had this idea of a talking-pet project that works as a tour guide to touristy spots around town. I even asked Brentwood to help with the writings, but unfortunately, I'm not good at background drawing and can't convey an image of good beautiful touristy sceneries to fully showcase this idea. I will give it another try sometimes tho.

2. A cute mistress and her crossdressing submissive BF

I actually might finalize this pic sometimes in the future. I'm actually quite happy with this sketch where I tried drawing theme that I don't usually do such as femdom and a less feminine femboy sub. Did you know that we did a poll a while back asking what type of dom-sub combination people like the most and femdom-malesub was the winner pretty much everywhere!

3. Petgears with stilts

I was on this phase for a bit where I really wanted to incorporate stilts or running blades into a sci-fi looking petgear. It worked sometimes, but most of the time I feel like it looks so awkward (more than usual) What do you think?

4. More stilts

A stretching stilted petgirl. I should draw more stretching pose. It's so cute! But my mind keep associating the pose with cats and I'm more into puppygirls most of the time lol ^^"

5. Now without the stilts

And now she's a stretching cat hehe^^

Thank you so much for your wonderful support that keep us making more of these!




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