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A pic for Flydeath and a story by TheBrentwoodSociety

Victoria Margiebelle Albright was a straight-A student, a talented athlete, and above all an absolute control-freak.  So at age twenty, when she heard a rumor that she was about to be drafted into the federal puppy girl service, in which she’d spend two years locked in humiliating pet gear and doing the most degrading things imaginable, she took matters into her own hands.  If she could have figured out a way to flee the country she would have, but since that was not an option, she instead decided to beat the bastards to the punch and volunteer for service.  Besides having the deep, personal satisfaction of knowing she had signed herself up for the program rather than allowing herself to be signed up by some faceless bureaucrat, she also had been told that volunteers got better treatment than draftees.  It didn’t take her long to realize that that was a lie.

Puppy service for a volunteer, she soon found, was every bit as dehumanizing and awful as it was for draftees.  It was far worse for a girl who absolutely needed to control herself and everything around her.  The loss of control started when she was stripped down to the sounds of mocking laughter and disgusting remarks from cruel, square jawed handlers.  It only increased when they put her into ridiculous, confining pet gear that forced her to crawl on all fours, trapped her hands in padded paws, and restricted her from speaking with a particularly nasty shock collar.  Even her nether regions were no longer under her control with her “puppy parts” being covered with a rigid c-string that vibrated or shocked her at the push of a button and her “little rear chute” being painfully stretched with a bulbous plug attached to a bushy tail.    

In the early days of her training, having the choice of what she ate, where and when she slept, and when and where she got to relieve herself taken from her sent her into several panic attacks, which never earned her a lick of sympathy.  It only earned her dreaded discipline from the handlers.  Her stomach often growled from having her scant meals of dry, disgusting puppy chow taken away for punishment purposes and her rump was constantly bright red and stinging for the same reason.  It was in the midst of this, something else in her personality emerged to save her—her hatred of being corrected. 

While she lay in her tiny crate after receiving a terrible scolding and a spanking with a rolled up newspaper for trying to speak like a person yet again, she vowed that she would show those bastards that she could be the perfect pet.  Just as she once stayed up late studying so she was never wrong in class, she would put all of her focus towards this end. She further reasoned that she might even get some control back in the process.  After all, A-plus students always got less supervision!    

Soon after, she stopped thinking of herself as “Victoria” and started thinking of herself as the name they had given her during processing, “Precious,” and became a model puppy girl that impressed the trainers and irked her “kennel mates.”  Day after day she showed them that she could be fast and agile on all fours.  Hating correction more than the loss of her dignity, she showed them that she could beg for dry, crumbly doggy treats, attention, or even to be taken outside to “potty” with big, sad eyes and her tongue lolling from her drooling, gaping mouth.  She showed them that she could “flirt” with the best of them, presenting her tail to the trainers and wagging it frantically with her “face down and ass up,” whining beseechingly to be “mated” while her overheated “puppy parts” leaked down her thighs and made a small puddle on the floor between her bruised, dirty knees.  She did it all.  And she did it all so well that she got the attention of the director of the program, Chairman Abernathy.

            Due to her excellent training record she was selected for a “promotion.”  She heard the word and turned it around in her head while she chewed on an old rope toy and the conversation about her fate went on above her.  Naturally and horrifyingly, she was not allowed any input on the matter, and she was crated and wheeled out of the room before she got to hear more details about the “promotion.”  The loss of control—the unknown—weighed heavily on her while she waited to see where they would take her and what they would do to her. 

            To her surprise and delight Precious soon learned that her promotion would be from humble puppy girl to a lofty kitten girl.  She was no expert on the service or its categories, but she knew that kitten girls were higher up on the totem pole and that suited her just fine.  After they took her out of the restrictive puppy gear and replaced it with the far more-malleable kitten gear she felt considerably freer than she had in months.  She reveled in it for a moment with a great big smile.  Her eyes danced with delight when she looked over her shoulder and saw how much more articulate her new tail was.  Before she had been limited to squeezing down on the plug and making her fluffy, puppy tail go between her legs when she was scared or wagging her butt to shake the tail back and forth to give the impression she was happy.  The new kitten tail was long, luxurious and so much more subtle in its movements.  Seeing her brow furrow as she struggled to control it with her intimate muscles made the grooming staff coo and snicker at her “adorable antics.”

            Though she had a whole new set of skills to learn, for kitten girls were to be graceful and sexy and not rambunctious and cute like puppy girls, she was excited by all the privileges she would soon have.  What would it be like to be allowed on furniture and to pee indoors in a litter box whenever she needed to go instead of outside in the cold in front of everyone on God’s green Earth?  Precious shuddered with pleasure at the prospect of finding out! 


Again, This is a pic for Flydeath and a story by TheBrentwoodSociety ;)

Thank you for the support and for letting me share!



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