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Pics for Flydeath with a story by TheBrentwoodSociety

     The new outdoor shopping center was Princess’ favorite place for her owner, Joey, to take her for walks.  Though she’d been properly leash-trained in obedience school, anyone watching her wouldn’t have thought so.  Though Joey held the end of her leash, it was Princess that did the leading.  With an open mouthed smile, and mischief in her wide, violet eyes, she dragged him to the store fronts she wanted to see, stopped and lingered when she pleased, bounded up to other puppy girls to sniff and lick at their nether regions without invitation, and generally made a nuisance of herself to everyone and everything she passed.

            They were near the end of the walk when Princess’ saw her favorite store, the “Posh Puppy Showroom,” one of the many stores that had popped up to cater to puppy girls and their owners alike.  With a happy bark, she pranced up to the store window, pulling Joey behind her.  While she was perusing the merchandise on display, she laid eyes on the prettiest puppy girl outfit she had ever seen.  She just had to have it!  Before beginning the usual begging routine that she did whenever she wanted something, Princess let herself drool, literally and figuratively, over the outfit for nearly a minute.  She was so engrossed that she barely heard Joey say something about needing to get home.  She ignored the timid tug on her leash, placed both paws on the window, and began to bark at the outfit.  Every three barks she paused to look up at Joey with needy eyes. 

            Joey visibly steeled himself.  She always thought it was cute when he tried to be tough with her.  “Uh, come on, Princess!”  His voice broke a little.  “It’s late and I need to start our dinner…”

            Princess furrowed her brow.  How could Joey think of dinner?  She decided that a new noise was in order if she was going to get him to focus.  She switched from barking to whining and pointed her nose at the outfit.  She knew that Joey couldn’t say “no” to her when she begged. 

            “No, Princess.”

            Princess stopped whining and looked up at him with confusion written all over her face.  She had to have misheard him!  He never said “no” once the begging started!  Not certain what she should do, she bounced more-vigorously and whined louder.  Joey loved it when her ample “teats” would bounce.  Certainly he wouldn’t be able to say “no” twice, especially with her best assets on full display!

            “No, Princess.”  His voice, uncharacteristically stern, cut through her.  “I spent a week’s wages on your last pretty outfit and you ruined it in one afternoon when you had your play date with your little friend, Button.”

            Princess smiled a little, remembering that afternoon. Not only had she beaten the tail off that little crybaby pipsqueak at every game they played, but they’d had a very good time after they’d been left alone in the kennel together.  She flushed and wiggled a bit from the memory of Buttons timid, little pink tongue.  So what if she’d trashed the outfit?  She deserved another one!  She whined even louder and then licked the glass in front of the new outfit, knowing that Joey hated it when she made messes that other people would have to clean up.

            “Stop that, Princess!”  He scolded.

            She stopped, but only because she could not believe how Joey was acting!  She wanted that outfit and she would have that outfit.  Princess rolled over onto her back and started flailing all four of her limbs while whining so loudly that everyone nearby stopped what they were doing and stared.  She’d only resorted to throwing a full-blown tantrum once before, and that had been enough to make sure Joey always gave her what she wanted long before she’d had to resort to such drastic and embarrassing measures. 

Finally, Princess heard what she wanted to hear.  “Alright, alright!”  Joey relented.  “We’ll go in and look.”

            A mere twenty minutes later, Princess got her adorable new outfit, but with a few unexpected “accessories.”  She’d been so absorbed with looking at herself posing and preening in the mirror; she hadn’t noticed the saleslady or her assistant coming up behind her.  Before she knew it they had set upon her and added the questionable extras.

            They covered her happy, barking mouth with a silly muzzle made up like a dog’s snout.  Princess had a high threshold for the ridiculous things puppy girls had to wear, she even liked a lot of it, but even she found the muzzle more than a little humbling.  The muzzle had a ring inside that propped her hot, panting mouth open, making her jaws start to ache almost immediately and the drool start to run down her chin.  As if that wasn’t uncomfortable enough, they slipped a silicone knot into her gaping mouth and secured it to the ring.  Princess had been well-trained at obedience school to repress her gag reflex, but the bulbous thing was so big it took all her concentration not to choke.  Out of the corner of her eye she could see Joey watching.  She knew him well enough to see that what they were doing to her bothered him, but he made no move to stop them. 

Why wouldn’t he stop them?  What had she done wrong?

            The next addition wasn’t quite so unpleasant, at least at first.  They took the c-string that covered her overheated “puppy parts” away and attached another large knot to the inside of it.  With ample lube it slipped right into her, stretching her to her breaking point, but not quite beyond it.  Stuffed and caught in the throes of equal measures of ecstasy and agony, Princess tried to concentrate on not choking from the thick, rubbery knot filling her mouth. 

With her face down and her bubble ass up, Princess cringed at what she knew was next.  She gagged on the knot in her mouth as the biggest plug she’d ever felt invaded her little “back door.”  She pounded on the dressing room floor with her padded paw mittens and silently pleaded for mercy, but she got absolutely none.  Once the plug was in place, and a new fluffy white tail protruded from her backside, the agony outweighed the ecstasy, but that didn’t mean that the pleasure wasn’t still keenly felt. 

“Sit up, girl!”  Joey ordered.

Princess did her best to obey as quickly as she could.  Squatting unsteadily in front of him, her cheeks burned from arousal, pain, and humiliation, as her tears ran down them.  Joey looked down at her.  He seemed more-confident to her than he ever had.

“I’m sorry, Princess, but I had to do this for your own good.  Robert, you know, Button’s owner, is absolutely right.  You’re so badly behaved because I haven’t been strict enough with you.  A puppy…a puppy girl needs rules and boundaries and that’s what you’re going to get from here on out.  Now, we’re going to take the long way home and you’re going to think about that fit you threw.  You’ll stay at my heel the whole time.  I don’t want you getting dirty.  If you ruin another pretty outfit you’re going to be a very sorry little puppy!  Understand?”

Princess whimpered.  Not because she was afraid of Joey, or even because she was unhappy at his declaration.  She was, in fact, shocked that despite her intense discomfort, she had never been so turned on before in her whole, entire life!          


I made a gif from Flydeath's tier rewards. Thought it makes sense for this one. Thank you for the support and for letting me share and thank you, Brentwood for a great story!



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