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Unlike their canine counterparts, Companion Pets didn’t seem to enjoy human food treats that they sometimes got from their owners. Was due in large part to the taste changer that came standard in the ComPet gear. It was meant to help the pup drop into their role more and to more easily plate or even greatly enjoy the standard kibble and poochow that was recommended for their duration of service, as it provided everything a pup needed to be happy and healthy.

But leaving things as they were was not the job of the Experiment Division. They were here to fix problems, offer alternatives, and see how far the boundaries could be pushed. As you might have guessed, their latest creation was a new type of pet food for those in service. In theory the new kibble would still carry the same healthy benefits as the previous version, but allow the pets to also enjoy special treats or table scraps from their owners. Helping them be more like their fellow dogs and eagerly beg for people food.

Pepper had really enjoyed the change in her food as it allowed her to have things she had not in over 2 years. Sure she had to beg and do demeaning tricks for the half eaten scraps, but it had been so long and the food tasted so good that she humiliated herself to get every bite she could. However, employees had started noticing that their food would go missing from time to time. They knew it wouldn't be long till the corrective measures took effect, to help the pup learn not to steal food. They left a burger out as bait for Pepper to not only ensure the test but train her as well.

As Pepper ate the stolen burger she felt her tummy gurgle and then she let out an embarrassing little poot. It seemed too much of a good thing was indeed bad for you, or at least very humiliating; as Pepper spent the rest of the day suffering with the effects of being a bad puppy. But this would ensure pups didn’t over indulge & only accept the food given to them, or be a little stinkers till they balanced out.


Story by our Pepper!

Thank you for the support and for letting me share!




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