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Well, technically it's a game...
Go here to check out the pre pre pre alpha stage of this "game" (web-based, no download requires): https://nimbletail.itch.io/ponyrun

password: naomiPony

Please keep in mind that its not great right now^^"

Let me know what you think!

*Update: A new version of the game is up! Alpha 0.2!

So in this one, you can no longer directly control the speed of the ponygirl but you now do so by pick up the "ShockBoost" (speed booster) or the "SlowVibe" (speed dampener) which after being picked up can be use by pressing A to use the boost or D to use the slow. If you already have 1 of the item on your pony, picking up another one of the same item will automatically activate and use up the item, so be careful and plan out your actions well!

Also sliding(key S) and floating obstacles have been added! now you have to slide under some obstacle instead of jump over them!

The key for jump is changed from space to W

Also added timer, some particle fxs and BGM!

Let me know what you think!




Its cute and fun!!! Love her animations so much. Totes adorable.


Years ago, somebody did a Flash animation game much like this of Minty the Candy Cane (that Fell on the Ground), a holiday season character from Conan O'Brien's talk show. Sadly, I only played it during a time when I had my old computer whose memory was nearly shot, so it would take a second or two (or more... or none at all) to respond to my keystrokes, so I never was successfully complete a game of it. Can't find it online now :(