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If asking people where their heart is. Most point to their chest. Though I am not so sure about that myself. For me, ones heart is in between those we love & care about. You cannot touch it, but you can feel it. You can see it when on peoples faces when they smile. You can hear the it within the joy of peoples voices when they talk about those they love. There is a scent to it, like a certain perfume or the smell of fresh cookies that evokes it. And you can even taste it in a long passionate kiss.

Love is one of those things that cannot be explain or categorized. Its floods your senses and alters your perceptions. It is a beautiful thing that binds us, yet allows us to be more free than ever before. Free to be our true selves and be vulnerable in so many areas of our lives.

There is a saying that "Home is where the heart is." So this Valentine's Day don't be scared to show your heart and express your love. No matter how far apart, if you express your heart, you'll feel right at home with those you love no matter the distance.

Caption by my lovely Maddisaurus ♡
Happy Valentine's day, yall!



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