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Poll Results!
Congratulations to those who voted for Sierra to play the primary role in my next project, winning the pole with 66% of the vote. I will begin work on "Sierra's Ceremony" soon.
I've said this on Discord before, but it humbles me that more people are interested to see my Sierra over someone as popular as Alice.
And don't worry all those who voted for Alice. She'll have a chance to take centre stage after Sierra.

Special Announcement...
You've already seen the attachment above, so you know where this is going.
Now that Sierra has won the poll, I've been thinking about the animation itself. I've got a good idea of the specific shots, poses, and sequences I want to include. There's just one problem - she's a rattlesnake.
People are really interested to see what she'll do with her rattle. And while I have my fair-share of ideas, I feel like it still needs more.
And with a lot of thought... I'm finally going to bite the bullet and say....
The next animation, and every animation hereafter, will be complete with audio.
I've spent the past few days grabbing hundreds of audio samples from various places. The audio attached to this post is a small test to see what kind of sound I can create.

Adding sound to each animation may slow down the release of each project, but it's requested so heavily, I just have to do it. Besides, there's no way I'm animating a rattlesnake lamia and NOT including the iconic sound of a rattle.

Hope you all look forward to future animations 😄
Thank you all for supporting me 🐍❤



He went for the audio. Damn that a big change. Hourray


Woo there will be audio! Nothing wrong with slower releases either. The animations are amazing in silence, so imagine how good it'll be with sound :D


Would you hire female voice actresses too? There are a ton who would be able to on r/gonewildaudio. Vocals would really lift in the immersive experience in your animations


I'm not hiring a vocalist for any standard animations, at least not yet. I've got everything I need already from public audio libraries offering female grunts, moans, humming, and breathing. Even some giggling that can be heard in the audio test. However, I have thought of scripting and hiring a VA for bigger projects. Mainly an idea I had for a POV, 3D, 360° video - designed to act as an immersive experience with a lamia girlfriend. That would feature stereo sound and voice acting for Sierra. With the possibility of VR playback, I would also want it to be rendered at 120fps. A project like this would easily take a few months to do. I won't be doing it anytime soon.

Rayth Mercury

At the end of the day, I think that adding audio will only enhance your animations even further! It may take longer to make, but it would be worth the wait! Fellow lamia lovers rejoice!


I was hoping for audio for a long time!! Great job mate! But take your time and go slow.. I'd rather you did it right the first time and be proud of it, then regret it later. Keep up the great work!! You're doing great!!!


I personally don't mind the lack of audio but im glad to hear that youll be adding it to your animations


I hope you do still make an Alice model. There’s only one out there and it’s fairly limited. I’ve been desperate for a better one for a year now.


Alice will get her model and animation after Sierra's Ceremony.