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THIS AFFECTS EVERYTHING: PREPARE FOR SHORTAGES OF HUNDREDS OF PRODUCTS DUE TO THE SHORTAGE OF A FEW Thank you for joining me today, Many Blessings to all of you and your Families. TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL PLEASE SEE LINKS BELOW: Feed Your Freedom With Nutrient Survival: https://alnk.to/7qeCARw Use The Code AP10 For 10% OFF Of Any Order AMAZON STOREFRONT; ALSO WORKS FOR REGULAR SHOPPING: https://www.amazon.com/shop/alaskaprepper “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases” SD Bullion Precious Metals: http://sdbullion.com/ap Become a MBR of The "Ladies & Gentlemen" Club, Click The Link Below or JOIN button above: https://bit.ly/3AxlbyC BLUETTI SOLAR GENERATORS: https://bit.ly/3ol2Z61 NEW EMAIL ACCOUNT FOR INTEL: akprepperintel@gmail.com EMAIL: sfcofimarti@gmail.com Alaska Prepper P.O. Box 10464 Fairbanks, AK 99710 DISCLAIMER: ANYTHING THAT I SHOW, DISCUSS, AND OR SHOWCASE ON THIS CHANNEL IS WHAT I DO AND HOW I DO OR FEEL ABOUT THINGS. YOU MUST REMEMBER TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND DECIDE FOR YOURSELF IF WHAT YOU SEE OR HEAR ON THIS PLATFORM IS RIGHT FOR YOU AS ONLY YOU CAN DECIDE FOR YOURSELF. I AM NOT A FINANCIAL ADVISER, DOCTOR, ENGINEER, OR A PROFESSIONAL OF ANY KIND. ALL I OFFER ARE IDEAS THAT YOU CAN DRAW FROM AND A BIT OF ENTERTAINMENT. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.


Marti Baker Girl

Thanks AP. I like you believe in taking care of my chompers. I got about 2 sets of the electric toothbrushes when Sam's or COSTCO has had them on sale. Also got the water pick and of course tons on manual brushes, floss, and toothpaste which lasts forever. When COVID first came out I got new tires as there was concern about rubber shortages then. I have not purchased backup tires as I have more than 1 vehicle and put little mileage on them all together and therein lies the problem. My truck tires looked brand new and I had about 30K miles on them but they were about 5 years old so although they looked new, they were starting to shred and break down from age. I was totally unaware of this until the mechanic showed them to me while still on the vehicle. I've been told that tires don't store well. Not sure if others have an opinion on this. As for my hand truck (dolly), wheel barrow, etc. I get the hard rubber non inflatable tires so I don't have to worry about adding air. A challenge area I have found is "what to get as back up for vehicles"? The dealership gives me the company line of "Oh, we never have problems getting Nissan parts". Yeah right, until they do. I already have the obvious, extra wiper blades, motor oil/filters, overhead light bulbs. I've written my VIN numbers down and plan to go to an auto parts store and maybe get some guidance there. Have ordered some great flannel sheets from My Pillow (this is not an endorsement),their sheets are cut larger than any I have seen on the market and very warm. I pick up winter type things at Thrift stores and sales; alcohol (Vodka and Everclear) for extracts and medicinals, space heaters (both kerosene, propane, and electric) in case of emergencies along with the fuel, bandages, gauze, light bulbs, solar powered sidewalk lights that I keep inside for emergency lighting and extra batteries, an extra heat sealer for mylar bags, manual can openers, pens, paper, and pencils. This is just a few things. Open to any ideas!

Gloria G

Thanks for the info, since you don't put a lot of miles on your vehicles have you tried covering the tires? I read in a RV newsletter that tires go bad from sitting to long in one spot, the RV has to move at least once a week, many cover the tires from sunlight to help reduce aging of the tire.

Marti Baker Girl

Hi Gloria, thank you so much for your comments. Although it is low mileage, I do drive the vehicles at least weekly to every 10 days just to keep the battery alive if nothing else. With the truck if you just crank and not drive it the battery goes kaput. Our summers in Eastern NC are hot and humid with fairly mild winters. I have been told by others that even unused tires (not on vehicles) just on the shelf tend to dry rot. I had no idea that tires come with a date stamp required by the Department of Transportation (DOT). This I never knew until I encountered this situation two years ago with tires upon initial look appeared to be fine but were dry rotting. That was an accident waiting to happen and I had no idea. Gloria, you have made me do research today(:) to properly respond to your comment. I did visit the NHSTA website and also called them for clarification. This is what they post on their website: "As tires age, they are more prone to failure. Some vehicle and tire manufacturers recommend replacing tires that are six to 10 years old, regardless of treadwear. You can determine how old your tire is by looking on the sidewall for your DOT Tire Identification Number (TIN) . The last four digits of the TIN indicate the week and year the tire was made. If the TIN reads 0308 it was made in the third week of 2008. Look on both sides of the tire. The TIN may not be on both sides." Their website and phone # are: https://www.nhtsa.gov/equipment/tires phone 888 327-4236. Some articles online indicate it is a DOT requirement that tires more than 6 years old not be sold but it is NOT a requirement per the person I spoke with at that office. I guess it's a matter of looking at the tire date before buying, storing as best as one can (probably in a cool dry location or whatever kind helps prevent dry rot) and praying for the best. Gloria I hope this didn't go on too long but I always like talking to you and hopefully it gives us all some safety things to consider as thankfully my accident waiting to happen didn't. My Take Away: When buying a "new" tire, the buyer must take into consideration the manufacture date on the tire that is being sold. If it were manufactured in 2010 and you are buying it in 2022 you don't want to buy that tire although it is "new" .

Gloria G

Thank you for the info NEVER thought of looking at my own tires since I have never had a problem and as the thread wear low I just replace them I have come across RV news letters that talk about tires and many do not think about the damage done with a RV or trailer that has sat on the same spot for months nor do they check the date of the tire with they purchase them. I live in Southern CA were it gets very hot in the summer (dry) (little rain) we average 110-120 degree in the summer, I'm going to look into covering my tires from the sun so they don't were too soon. I'm impress with your preps, you are pretty well stock and prepare. I haven't gotten my extras for my car but you remind me to get going and I will try to get it done the next few weeks......Take care....

Marti Baker Girl

Hey Gloria, if I can get a decent list together regarding the car parts I will glady share with ya. I will also look into covering the tires as the sun does not so good amazing things to windshield wiper blades here and cracking the dashboards of the interior of cars as well. By the way, I was stationed in San Diego for about 6 years and absolutely LOVED IT!!! I had never been a West Coast girl so I drove across country kickin' and screamin' but once I got there I extended my tours until they kicked me out of the country to Italy. San Diego was more like being in a big town than a city and I do recall coming to appreciate the challenges of driving in the rain in a locale that does not get a lot of rain. I was so surprised as I was unaware of the oil build up that occurs on the roads and the least bit of water will definitely result in hydroplaning if you are not careful. I did go to some conferences in the Desert while out there and it was hottttt. Anyway, will keep in touch.

Gloria G

Was it 29 nine Palms?.... out in the middle of nowhere..... but like everything else price of property has skyrocket ...just like San Diego.....