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Ladies & Gentlemen; I hope you don't mind that I am going to cut down my Club Member's Live Streams to Every Other Week during the summer months.  Non Winter months are very precious in AK and I am finding that I am falling behind in the projects that I intend and need to get done this year.  I will However be announcing the two winners of the one ounce silver coin tomorrow and will put up a post to Congratulate the winners and will send a direct message to the winners so that you can send me your shipping information.  Thank you very much for your support and Many Blessings to you and your Families.



Do what needs to be done. Time is precious and we are working on this end also to be better prepared. Blessings to you and your family.


Very very precious time here in Alaska AP! Totally understand!


Thanks AP. I'm sure this will benefit not only you but other members of our community as well. Much Love


I lived in Alaska from age of three 1973 to 1982 and we fished and hunted to put up smoked fish and deer meat and homemade Jellies up for the winter. Because the Island Traitor Only came out once a month and prices from it were extreme, so I know what we have to do during the sunny time of the year to make it thru the winter. Point Baker wasn't to far but expensive!


I totally understand. I didn't realize how much time I spent on the internet, until it was down here for the past week. As was my landline. I tried to use the time wisely, and got SO MUCH done!


We're busy here, and all I got to do is struggle to find time to listen in. You've got work to do. I'm strongly suggesting you only put up a very few videos till fall. Maybe do a deal by making it up in the winter with a few patron only content??? Just an idea. But I'd insist on one video a month or less till fall