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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen.  I would like to thank you for your support and to inform you, in case you do not know, that I am doing a giveaway of the Baggote Air Fryer that I reviewed on last Sunday's Video.  I am doing a giveaway for the community members on the you tube channel and I am also doing a giveaway for all of you, my patreon members.  All you have to do to be entered is leave a comment on the video in this platform.  On Saturday morning I will gather the names of every patreon who left a comment and will randomly choose a winner which I will announce on next Sunday's video.  Thank you again for your support and the best of luck to all of you who wish to enter the giveaway.  Many blessings to all of you and your Families...



Oh and a huge thank you! I received my pressure canner from the Pantry contest and it's awesome!


Ok I'm leaving this comment....AP you go above and beyond to help the community you're not a know it all and your very humble I'm glad I stumbled on your channel it has been an enrichening experience I never feel like I'm wasting time always time we'll spent.. again thank you and God bless..