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Hello Ladies and gentlemen, this is not one of my videos but thought i'd provide you with a good reason of why I decided to start this Patreon site.  As stated before I know that my Y.T. channel is not really controversial and is open to all ideologies.  However, with the way that Y.T. is acting and treating current Content Creators is seems that we can never know when Y.T. will decide to target Creators that are trying to sound the alarm for people to get prepared.  So once again I say "Thank you very much for joining me on this platform".  Many blessings to you and your Families...


Why Everyone's Leaving YouTube

Thanks to LBRY there is finally a free-speech guaranteed, de-centralized, monetized and optimized viable alternative to YouTube and place where everyone can view and download ALL of my content including banned interviews, documentaries and music. Please consider downloading the LBRY app or bookmarking the following links for access and updates to all my latest content: https://beta.lbry.tv/@EricDubay https://spee.ch/@EricDubay:c lbry://@EricDubay "After having learned my lesson the hard way, I have one piece of advice for creators posting content online: Own Your Data Don't put yourself at the mercy of YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SoundCloud, Snapchat, Tumblr, Vine, Google+, MySpace, or any of these other third parties! Unlike the more established content sharing platforms, LBRY is free, open and decentralized. This has several benefits over the traditional closed and centralized platforms: Content creators on LBRY remain in ownership of their content. It’s a peer-to-peer platform with no middle man standing between the creator and their audience, and no single entity controls the entire network. It’s a fairer platform, there is no arbitrary algorithm that decides who gets exposure and who doesn’t. There are no ads which means subpar content will not get rewarded just because of clickbait titles and thumbnails. Instead, content is rewarded by the community through tips and purchases." ~Michael Hebo https://lbry.com In addition to LBRY, I have also backed up my videos at DTube, BitTube, BitChute and Brighteon: https://d.tube/#!/c/ericdubay https://bit.tube/Eric%20Dubay https://www.bitchute.com/channel/TCgwKoAf3Y9z/ https://www.brighteon.com/channel/ericdubay Watch the original video on NorVegan's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/hannahlobb26 Please also visit my website, blog and forum: http://www.EricDubay.com http://www.AtlanteanConspiracy.com http://www.IFERS.123.st



Right on the money! That's why we decided to start uploading videos in this platform.

Alaska Prepper

Alaska Dream Life, are you able to upload videos to patreon directly from your computer??


If they're 200 Mbps or less, they can be attached. Otherwise, we need to use the URL 🔗..... Need to look more into this in the a.m. and get back to you.


So they talk about the new platform called LBRY (Library) page: lbry.com/youtube Are you going there as well? Great info! Seems everywhere we go there are less formats for a conservative viewpoint!

Alaska Prepper

I've already created an account there but I'm still in the process of figuring out all of the ins/outs of the platform.