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Hi guys, thanks for your support.

this is a post to let you know about the progress of upcoming animations. And to let you know what i have been working on.

noct x gladio . animation still rendering

 207/600 frames are rendered


barett x cloud, bonus animation, i am animating  for now.

 rendered in blender eevee, it has many scenes and camera angles. around 500frames each scene .

 i started learning how to animate in blender . 

i will upload this as soon as it is ready . maybe alongside gladio's animation , but probably before, because rendering in blender eevee is Alot faster than maya.


zack fair's pov scene . this was just a test, my very first animation in blender eevee.  and it took only few hours of rendering for 300 frames.(for maya it would have been the whole week)




Finally some good fucking food. Are you going to release the full version of Zack's animation?


oh ty, i dont like this one i will have to remake something better then i will upload an mp4 file. right after cloud's animation i will make a better one with zack ;)


Is the Zack animation in the google drive? I cant find it