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Hii guys, thanks for your support.

SOO the jackie welles animation is doing good, all the scenes are now rendered expect one, and that one is also almost done its 400frames rendered of 610. so yeah its going to be ready for the week end, finally.

 i am currently testing blender.  Learning how to render,animate, downloading   scenes etc. i cant wait to show you my first blender content :D.

Also i mentionned the fact that i really wanted to work on original characters, that i would create and animate, its a long process. 

I was thinking about making a cartoon character, and was wondering what kind of cartoon art style could work? if you have any links, or ideas of characters or artists i could learn from to create a nice cartoon character let me know. i found some references from pinterest when searching  for 3d cartoon characters, but its all very different..




1 and 2 looks good


1 for sure.


4 feels to detailed and similar to what you currently do.


1 or 2


Frankly, i like all of them, but 1 or 2 are best imo

Bob Laubach

3 &4 are classic daddy-types and would pair well with the trio of studly young men of #1...like personal trainers meet their clients (#3 and #4).