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hi guys,

so i have a huge problem , i have been trying to fix this but its not possible apparently.

SO what happens is that i have lost all my files textures,models etc .because my external drive seagate is no longer working for some reason, it had all my textures.

i still have the scenes i worked on, but no textures

basically i have to redo all my stuff.

i will this time use dropbox to save my work cuz i just cant trust external drives anymore,

so here i am now re doing all my models so please be patient . i would understand if u decide to cancel tho.


i will keep you posted , i am re downloading all my stuff and using dropbox now.



Oh no that sucks, don’t worry about it. Take your time and try not to stress out, if this allows you to improve on the originals that’s fine if not it’s still fine so don’t sweat it. Good luck, looking forward to seeing them when they are ready.


I've been there. I also had a seagate external drive fail and lost years of work. I agree with Errol above. Take your time. 😊


no problem, man. take as much time as you need <3 we support you


I'm sorry that happened


take your time dude! shit happens, we get it :) just don't overwork yourself