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When Jamie woke up the next morning, for the first time since he arrived he felt himself aroused to the point of needing to do something about it. As quietly as he could, he unbuttoned his sleeper and reached into his wet diaper, taking himself out and doing what he needed. It didn’t take more than a minute, and Jamie hadn’t counted on the effect of not having done it in months. He made quite an unmistakable mess.

“Well,” he said as he thought about what Becky and Amanda would say when they woke him up, “So that’s a new wrinkle.” If asked, he was prepared to say he was just a little and didn’t know better. It was Amanda who came in to get him up.

“Good morning, Jamie. Did you ... Slept great, from the looks of it.” She was grinning, a good sign. “How about we get you a bath, and it’s a good day for washing your sheets too.” Amanda stifled a laugh.

Jamie turned crimson. “It’s not funny,” Jamie protested though he knew it really was.

“I told you it was okay weeks ago. Do you remember that?”


“Yeah, I thought you might have been too far off in dreamland.” Jamie stood up, and she stripped his sleeper and diaper off him, using his jammies to wipe his hand and penis and belly off. “It’s not a big deal,” she assured him.

“It’s not?”

“No. Even Mom won’t mind. But, uh, maybe you can try to be a little neater about it next time?”

“Sorry.” He would have, but, well, it had been months, and he was readier than he knew.

“It’s okay.” She carried him nude to the bathtub and sat him on the edge while she ran the water. “Did you have a good time last night?”

“Yeah. We did.”

“Mel sure did. She texted me after she left. Said you guys had fun ... Did you really eat from her hand?”

Jamie turned crimson again. “Um, yeah.” Amanda helped him into the tub and smiled to let him know that was okay too.

“Nothing to be ashamed of. It’s cute, even.”

“It’s just ... I don’t know. When she does stuff like that, it’s just different.”

“Because you have a crush on her?” Amanda knew the more appropriate term at this point was infatuation.

“I guess, but not only. She just makes it feel ... natural. Like it’s our game and not a, not a fact. Like that’s not who I am if I don’t want to be.”

Amanda didn’t exactly understand but pretended to. “I know Mel loves spending time with you.” She soaped him up. “Do you remember last night when you got home at all?”

“Not really. Why?”

“She just said you were ... awfully affectionate.”

Jamie looked worried. What had he done? Had he done something inappropriate? “How?”

“It’s no big deal.”

“Yes, it is, or you wouldn’t ask.”

“Well ... she said that, after you had fallen asleep on her that you, uh, nuzzled into her chest like you were looking to nurse from her. Twice.” Amanda now turned red, thinking her friend that way.

Jamie slumped back, looking sad and ashamed. A tear escaped. “I didn’t mean to,” he whispered.

Amanda got down on the floor closer to him. “O, honey, you didn’t do anything wrong. Littles just do that sometimes.”

“But I’m ...” Jamie sniffled.

“A little who obviously likes his friend very much and is very comfortable being little with her. That’s a good thing, Jamie.”

“But ... did she ...” Jamie was feeling an anxiety attack coming on. Amanda splashed his face.

“Jamie! Buddy! Look right here,” Amanda said, pointing to her own eyes. Jamie slowly turned his head up and looked at her. “She’s not bothered by it at all. She thought it was sweet.” That calmed Jamie down. “But you can’t start putting the moves on my friends,” Amanda added, trying to lighten the mood. She finished washing Jamie, combed his hair, watched him brush his teeth, and carried him back to his nursery in a towel.

“Hey, Mom,” she said casually as they walked past her.

“Good morning, babies.” She kissed them both on the cheek as she walked by with Jamie’s laundry in her arms. Jamie turned red again.

“Let’s see these new diapers you picked out.” Amanda set Jamie on his changing table and opened the box. “O, these are pretty awesome. You’re going to be stylin’ in these.” Jamie blushed yet again and just wanted to be dressed.



I, personally, believe that writing diaper dimension stories is extremely difficult to do well, and I’ve also never really found myself get fully invested in finishing one that I’ve started. Like… Ever… So, it’s kinda awesome that I actually find myself enjoying this one. Thank you!