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“Hey, buddy,” Amanda whispered, brushing Jamie’s cheek. “It’s a little late for dinner, but how about a bottle?” Jamie stirred, his eyes opening to see it was nearly dark. “You alright? You slept a long time.”

Jamie sat up and pressed his palms into his eyes, the pressure in his sinuses pushing back. I almost never feel good after a nap, Jamie thought. “How long was I asleep?”

“Almost four hours. I guess you needed it, so I didn’t wake you.”

“Where’s Mom?”

“She’s at back-to-school night, remember?”

“O, yeah.”

“Are you hungry?”

“A little.”

“We had lunch kinda late, and then you slept so long I figured you’d be okay with just a bottle tonight. I can make you something if you like.”

“No, that’s okay.” Amanda picked him up and carried him to the rocking chair.

“You’re a little sweat ball. Want a bath after?”

“No, thanks … Kinda just want to go back to bed.”

“Must be going through a growth spurt,” Amanda joked. She situated him on her lap, and put the bottle to his lips. He took it and nursed slowly. “Did you have fun today?”


“Mel had a good time with you.” Jamie smiled weakly. “She thinks you were flirting with her.”

Jamie nodded. He knew he sorta was. He figured it was harmless. He liked the way she made him feel, though, when she baby talked to him during his diaper change. It was sort of a game, and they were both in on it, so it felt different than when strangers talked to him that way or even when Amanda or Mom sometimes did it out of affection and their periodic inability to handle his off-the-charts adorability.

“I was surprised you were okay with her changing you.” Amanda let that hang there a moment. “Did you enjoy it?” Jamie nodded and stopped nursing.

“I’m full.” Amanda held up the bottle, seeing he’d had only a couple ounces.

“You sure? You didn’t have much.”

“Late lunch I guess,” he yawned.

“When she changed you, did you notice anything different?”

“Like what,” he asked, his voice low and his eyes lolling back into sleep.

“Like, did you maybe feel funny with her doing it instead of me or Mom?”

“No. Why?”

I guess it’s nothing, just like Mel said – it happens to boys sometimes during diaper changes, Amanda thought.

“No reason. I’m glad the two of you are friends,” she said, stressing the last word.

“Me too,” he said with his eyes closed.

She wasn’t sure if she should even say the next part. It definitely felt like something Mom should talk to him about, but then, maybe he’d appreciate it coming from his sister instead. She wasn’t even sure about littles and their birds and bees. It just wasn’t an issue with nearly every little being regressed. “Jamie?” He was falling back asleep. “You with me, buddy?” He just sighed.

“You can masturbate whenever you need to. Just do it in private.”

“Mmkay,” Jamie mumbled.

That was easy enough, Amanda chuckled to herself, not even sure if he’d heard her.

She carried him to the changing table and pulled down his diaper cover. It was wet on the inside. She tossed it into his laundry basket and opened his saturated diaper. His diaper rash from a few days ago was gone. She cleaned him and applied a thick layer of rash cream anyway, especially behind his bits where his skin was sensitive, and fastened on a nighttime diaper.

She didn’t like putting him to bed sweaty like he was, but she figured he’d be better off getting the sleep he needed than a full bath. She plucked a few wipes from the container and wiped him down everywhere, then poured a little baby powder into her hand and dusted him lightly. He smelled sweet. She put him back in his crib, saw he was shivering a little, and pulled his blanket back over him. She took the bottle back to the kitchen, cleaned it out, filled it with water, and brought it back to him in case he needed a drink during the night.

She wondered what she’d tell her mother. By the way, Mom, I gave Jamie the same masturbation talk you gave me, and if he’s anything like me back then, we’re not gonna see much of him for the next couple years.

Amanda sat his bear upright in the corner of the crib and put the bottle between its legs like she always did so he could find it in the dark. She fished around his blanket for his pacifier and put to his lips. He didn’t take it like he usually did. She set it next to the bottle and caressed his cheek again. How is he already sweaty again, she wondered. She held her hand there for a moment, then lowered the crib rail and put her lips to his forehead.

She grimaced in concern and texted her mom. Hey Mom. Jamie’s okay, but he’s running a little fever.

Her mom texted back. Okay. On my way home. See you in a few.

Becky got home shortly after. “Hey, Manda. What’s up?”

“Not sure. He went down for a nap after we got home, and I let him sleep for almost four hours. Then when I got him up he was barely awake, and he was real sweaty. He fell asleep again, and then he was shivering. I pulled the blanket up, and now he’s sweaty again.”

Rebecca walked into the nursery and put her hand on his forehead. “He’s got a little fever, alright. Not too bad. How were his diapers today?”


“We’ll let him sleep for now.” She ushered Amanda out of the room and turned the light down but not all the way off.

“Did you guys have fun at the mall?”

“Yeah. He was fine all afternoon … Did you know that grey rabbit with the carrot is a cartoon?”

“Huh. Mel have a good time, too? I hope she doesn’t mind him tagging along with you.”

“Not at all. She likes him.”

“I guess we have our littlesitter when we need one. Though I guess we can always ask the Breens next door.”

“I guess. Kinda surprised they didn’t stop by sooner after he arrived. He asleep when they came over.”

“Meh. People lead busy lives.”

“How was back-to-school night?”

“Like always. You meet the parents and it’s always, ‘O, that’s why the kid is like this,’ or ‘Damn, that’s why the kid is like that,’ or ‘How are these that kid’s parents?”

“I thought you had a good bunch this year.”

“I do. Just, you know, some parents give off a vibe, like, ‘Mine gets the most extra attention because I say so’ vibe. Just a couple. But still, I remember not all that long ago when no one emailed a teacher at all, let alone in the evening.”

“Yeah …”

“You’re still thinking about changing majors?”

“Yeah, haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Well, don’t do it to avoid pushy parents. Littles have those, too.”

“Ha! I bet people have told stories about us after we’ve left a few places.”

“No doubt.”

“What do you think he has,” Amanda asked, sounding worried again.

“Just a bug probably. You know, with littles that can happen a lot, their immune systems being new to our world.”

“I know. Probably picked it up at littlecare. Or the mall.”

“Or any other place. He’ll be fine.”

“I know. Just sucks. He can’t seem to catch a break that lasts more than a day or two.”

“Why don’t you call Donna and ask if she’ll littlesit tomorrow?”

“You’re joking, right? That would suck for both of them. Mostly him.”

“Of course I am. Did you have dinner yet?”

“Just a snack. We had a late lunch.”

“I picked at school cafeteria food, so whatever leftovers we have should be fine for me. Did you find him a pumpkin outfit for the festival?”

“I guess they must be in style this year. All we could find were gourds.”

“Shoot. O well. It’s still a few weeks away.”


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