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I’m just a woman making lunch. And yes, I know you’re used to me protesting my innocence, but that’s only because I always am. Really. I’ve never done a crime or misdeed. Because, um, it’s not a crime if a princess does it.

Just standing at the counter making lunch, and a sneaky someone snuck up behind me and folded the back of my skirt up. “What are you doing,” I innocently asked. I started to turn around, and this sneaky someone’s hand on my shoulder stopped me … and pushed me forward a little and I had to plant my hand on the counter to avoid becoming part of the pasta sauce I was making.

“What did …”


Omg! Did she just shush me? What did I (allegedly) do to deserve a spanking in the kitchen? AND BARE?!? is a thing I thought when a sneaky someone peeled my panties down around my thighs.

“What’d I do?” Allegedly.

“Do you feel that,” a sneaky someone who sounds like my wife asked me.

“Feel wha …” Yep. Felt it. “Mary,” I giggled.

“Do you want it?”

“Y-yes,” I gasped as it rubbed against … a thing … of mine.

“You can have it, but only if you can guess which one it is.”

Ooo, that’s mean. It’s not like I’ve memorized all of the … things.

“Need a hint?”

“Y-yes. YES!” Hoo boy can I take a hint! “Huhuhhee! It’s the blue one.”

“You seem awfully confident,” she teased me.

“It’s the b-blue whuh-one.”

She leaned forward, bit my ear, and whispered, “It’s the blue one,” before she thrust good ol’ blue into me … a few dozen times.

Afterwards, as I was leaning against the counter because reasons, she wordlessly raised my panties back into position, folded my skirt back down, gave me a spank, and kissed me on the cheek. All without me turning around since a sneaky someone came into the kitchen.

I turned, blushing hard (or was I just overheated for some reason?), and exclaimed, “Mary! When did you get here!?!”

“Buhah!” She smiled at me, inhaled, and let it out. “Look at you, blushing like a virgin.”

“Am not.” I gave her a kiss that let her know she’s a woman (and that I am too). “Were you sitting at your desk thinking about me,” I coyly asked while running my finger in little circles on her chest.


“Do you wanna maybe trade toys?”

“Not right now. But after work.”

“I made spaghetti for lunch.” Sure to make me comatose afterwards. Poor Mary would be at her desk all sleepy and horny. Not that I planned that, but I do kinda like her that way.

“It smells yummy.”

“Um, Mary?”


“You’re wearing a phallus.”

“Want me to take it off before we sit at the table?”

“Yes please.”

“Such a silly goose.”

“I just get shy around those.”

“Pshaw! You put one on our bookshelf a few weeks ago.”

“That one was more decorative … and it was on a shelf and not on you.”

“Cutie,” she said and kissed me. “I’m gonna tell everyone I know that my 34-year-old knows all her colors.”

Such as red, like my face was. Heehee!


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