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SWAT. “Stop fidgeting, Daffy.”

Okay, what the crapping crud? “Urg! You don’t get to spank me for fidgeting. I can fidget if I want.”

“Excuse me, Ms. Sass Bottom, do you need a real spanking?”

“Buh ... no ... but I ... hmmph.”

“Alright. Let’s just nip this in the bud. Stand up.”

“But I said I don’t need a spanking!”

“Are you gonna get up?”

“Urgh. Fine.”

“You’ve just had a serious case of bratitude all day. Stand in front of me.” So I got up and did that. “Now, Let’s check what state your undies are in,” she said as she lowered my pajama pants.

“Marrry, stoppp. I’m wearing actual panties.” Which didn’t stop her from the looking and the patting and the cupping and the squeezing.

“Dry and clean.”

“Of course they are.” Ya know, if I’m already not in the best of moods, maybe not so much with the teasing. “Could you please just spank me already if you’re gonna?”

She ignored me and pulled my pajamas bottoms back up. “And let’s just check the state of your tummy,” she said and lifted my top.

“What does that hehehehe Marrrr hehehehe what are hmmmph,” I responded to her tummy tickles and got my top back down. Ya don’t tickle someone in a bad mood. I glared. Others might mistake that for pouting, but I don’t do that.

“Little girl ...”

“I am not a little girl, and I wish you’d stop saying that.”

“Little girl,” my darling wife repeated to me anyway, “you are going to put your left knee by my right hip and your right knee by my left hip.”

“What? That doesn’t even make sense.” I need to teach Mary of all people about spanking positions?

SWAT! “Do it, Miss Snippy.”

“Fine ... there.” I was basically straddling her. Mary is at her most dangerous and me at the greatest risk when I don’t know what the heck she’s doing, so maybe not smart to be giving her a dirty look?

“Such a grumpy face,” she said to me. Don’t tell someone who’s in a bad mood they have a grumpy face.  “Lean forward ... all the way ... now put your arms around me.” I’ve gotten a hug spanking standing up before. I didn’t know how she thought she was going to spank my butt in that position. “Now put your head down right here. Perfect. Stay just like that,” she said as she wrapped her left arm around me. I had my arms around her and was resting my cheek a little under her chin, with my butt sitting on her thighs.

And then nothing happened. Almost. She kissed my hair. So that’s a thing that happened. But I wanted to be helpful (I always do – I can’t help it) so I said, “You’re not gonna be able to spank me from there ... and I don’t need a spanking.”

“Who said you’re getting a spanking?”

“You did.”

“I did not. I just told you stand up. But if you want a spanking ...”

“I don’t.”

“Too late.” I braced for it and (pat). “Flincher.” (Kiss).

“I didn’t flinch ... I never flinch ... I ... prepare ... So I’m not getting a spanking?”

“No, sweetie. You’re getting the stuffing hugged out of you instead, so snuggle in and stop fidgeting.”

“Ugh. Fine.” I’m so put upon.

“You wanna tell me why you’re such a grump bottom today?”

“Just was.”

“‘Was’ meaning you’re not now?”


“You wanna watch something else,” she offered.




“Anything I can do for you?”

“Put your hand back.”


“On my butt ... Silly goose.”

“Who you calling a silly goose,” my Mary asked me and gave me a firm little pat on my jammie bottoms.

“You.” Sigh.

“Such a sass bottom.” (pat–pat–pat) “Maybe you need an early bedtime.”

“I’ll just rest my eyes.” Yawn–stretch–sigh.

Mary turned off the TV and kissed me again and pat–pat–pat, and then she yawn–stretch–sighed too.

“I’ll be in a better mood tomorrow,” I promised.

“I know, little girl.”

“I’m not a ... yawn ... little girl.”

“You’re my little girl.”



Love these brief (but, oh so important) reminders of just how sweet Mary can be, and just how in love with Daphne Mary truly is (Since she really can be somewhat of a meanie, but only sometimes, because Daphne earns her consequences. 😌)