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Sometimes we gotta cut our losses. I finally started getting some interviews, and I got pretty far into the process on a couple of them. An offer was on the way and Mary finally called me on the way I’d been talking about it.

“You don’t sound very enthusiastic about these jobs,” she said when I was talking about the one that seemed like I was gonna get offered within a couple days.

“I am,” I sort of protested. “It’s just, ya know, it’s still work. I mean, I’m ready to go back to work. It’s a good company. And I do want this job.”

“No ya don’t.”

“I do.” She gave me the same look she gives me when I’m trying to get out of something. “It pays well. They have a good PTO policy. Lot of potential for growth.”

“You don’t want the job.”

“I ... do.”

“Daffy,” she said in that cut-the-cute-BS voice she has.

“Alright. I’m not crazy about it. I just ... how much longer can we go without me working? And it’s not like the offers are pouring in.”

“Do you like the other one you might get more?”

“Kinda the same.”

“What if you did something else?”

“Like what? It’s the only thing I’ve done.”

“So what? It’s not what you studied in college anyway,” she reminded me. That was true. Kinda fell into it, like most people do.

“I’m not sure I can get hired for anything else.” That’s the way it is these days. Everyone is so specialized that it can be hard to completely switch gears when you’ve been working for ten years.

“If you’re willing to start over, then you could. If you could do it all over again, what would you do?”

I did always feel like the day I graduated college is the day I figured out what I wanted to major in. No one ever tells you when you’re 18 that you won’t figure out what you like for at least four years and that you might not ever figure out a way to make it pay, but in the meantime they keep shoving student loans your way even though you’re a terrible credit risk and have no idea how much work it takes to actually earn a thousand dollars and how that much money doesn’t even go far.

“Something with people,” I told her. “But I’m not sure what. Something that actually contributes.”

“Your job contributes.”

Well, nice of her to say, but, “C’mon. Society wouldn’t suffer if what I do disappears. Garbage men are more important to society.”

“So,” she said, “what if you went back to school and did something else?”

“How could we afford that?” She gave me a look. I thought I recognized that look. Like I should know what she’s thinking.

“No way,” I said.

“Hear me out.”

“I am not doing cam work!”

“Daphne! How could you even think that’s what I meant?”

Well, that was an incredible relief. “What did you mean then?”

“My little girl has her mind permanently in the gutter,” she said with a grin. “That’s the one problem spanking you can’t fix.”

“Well, we could try,” I suggested. “You be the little engine that could, and I can be ... the train tracks, I guess.” So that metaphor got away from me. They can’t all be gems.

“Okay. Pants off,” she said and hopped off the bed to get a toy. The best spankings sometimes are the ones when I’m not actually in trouble. They’re just fun. I get a good warm up, and my butt stays fully functional for sitting.

“What’d you get,” I asked. She was holding it behind her back.

“A treat for you,” she said as she revealed her implement of choice. “The paddle from the paddle ball game.”

FUCK YES!!! I love that thing. It’s just a light piece of balsa wood. It stings just a bit, but it’s not heavy enough to actually hurt. She can wail away and I can just enjoy the sting and the warmth and having her thighs under me. She never uses it but she adds in a few hand spanks and lets her hands wander south. It’s not a punishment tool at all. She sat down, and I dove across her lap. Her right hand then dove into...



“Your underoos are all dry!”

“Marrrry!” I whined. They were literally panties. Granted, they came from a junior miss department and had sea horses on them, but what does that have to do with anything? Of course they were dry. “Of course they are! I don’t do that.”

“Who needed a fresh pull-up at lunchtime today?”

“You make me! You won’t let me take them off until I use them!” It’s hard to defend my honor when her hand is ...

She completely ignored me. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Well, you always are ... heh! ... You ... o...” I took a debate class in college, however many thousand dollars that was to have a so-called ‘well rounded education’. They taught us many strategies for sticking to our talking points when there’s distractions, but this wasn’t one of the distractions we practiced for.

SMACK! Aw, she really loves me.

“Such a good job,” she said as she pulled my panties down. “Now, about this problem you have with thinking too much about sex...” SMACK SMACK!!!

“It’s not a problem. It’s a delightful personality trait.” SMACK SMACK SMACK!!! “You couldn’t do this so often if I wasn’t in the mood.”

WHACK! Okay, that one was her hand and it hurt.

“Yes, I could. Because I’m me, and you’re you, and you told me you wanted me to decide when you get your bumbum spanked and promised to love, cherish, and obey or else.” SMACK! “Didn’t you, little girl?”

She’s got my number. “Yes,” I meeped.

“You submit (SMACK SMACK SMACK CRACK!!!) because you’re a kinky little monkey who just (SMACK!) can’t (CRACK!) help herself (WHACK WHACK!) .... Ya know, I don’t want you camming, but I bet we could make a lot of money just streaming this. You have one of the most spankable butts ever,” she said as she grabbed a handful of it and squeezed hard.

“You would know,” I answered back with a laugh.

“Is that a crack about how many butts I’ve spanked?”

“It’s a crack about how much spanking porn you watch!” WHACK!! WHACK!!!

“You have such a mouth on you sometimes.” Understatement of this young millennium. “Good thing you do so many good things with it.”

I was hoping that was the signal that the paddling was over and we could move on to other activities. Not so much.

SMACK!!! “So,” she said, “back to paying for school, if you want to go back, and I’m not pushing either way, what I meant before you jumped to the conclusion I wanted to digitally pimp you out (CRACK!! that was her hand again), is that we can ask my grandparents.”

O! Duh! Her grandparents are in their nineties, physically in just terrible shape, mentally totally with it, and rich. Not ‘our descendants never have to work rich’ but ‘if we don’t spend it all on nursing care, we’ll leave you a great big chunk of change’ rich.

“I don’t wanna take their money,” I said. WHACK!

“Why not? They’ve said several times now they’d rather see us spend it while they’re still alive to enjoy it.”

“What if they need it? They could end up needing a nurse fulltime or have to move into a nursing home.” SMACK!

“They could, but they have more than enough. And frankly, they couldn’t spend it all on a nursing home even if they tried. They’re too old.” She and I talked about that. It’s sad.

“We’d still need to cover expenses.” I knew she didn’t mean asking for so much from them I didn’t have to work.

“Well, if you found a parttime job or freelanced, we could make it work. We can make a budget tomorrow. House, utilities, cars, spanking implements, insurance, food, diapers, wipes, powder, rainy day fund, gas, healthcare, retirement account...”

“I heard that!”

“Good. It’s important that you understand the importance of saving for retirement.” SMACK SMACK CRACK WHACK!

“It’s too late to apply for the fall.”

“You can be a visiting student. And you can take some summer classes and see what you like.”

“Sarina likes being a hospice nurse...” I thought out loud.

“You don’t wanna do that.”

“Why not? I can do that.”

“Because you cry enough as it is. You’d be a weepy little basket case every day.”

“What ideas do you have?”

“Well, it’s not up to me. I think you need to think it through some more.”

“I will.”

“What will you do if they offer you that job?”

“Turn it down unless the money is amazing.”

“What will you do if I switch to the real paddle?”

“Do as I’m told.”

“What will you do if I throw out all your undies?”

“Go commando.” Ha! Let her be conflicted for once.

“What will you do if I flip you over and ...”

Ooo! My Mary.



I admire and adore how much fun these two have with their dynamic(s). This is definitely the dream, in so many ways.