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Scene #11

I  always have mixed feelings about spending time with Mary’s family. Her  dad is actually great. He’s funny, and I think he’s picked up on the  general outlines of our relationship, if not the details. I don’t think  many fathers-in-law call their daughter-in-law pet names, but he calls  me Daffy sometimes. 

Mary’s mother is less warm. Mary says it’s got nothing to do with my being a woman, but I’ve never fully believed that.

My  sister-in-law gets plenty of affection, though, from both her parents. I  like her, but we’re friendly, not friends, if that makes any sense.  Mary is not that close to her, and we only see each other at events. 

And  at those events, like at the one we’d just come from, I usually get  jealous, on the inside, watching my nephew, who’s three, with my  sister-in-law. He gets to sit in her lap and just lean against her all  the time. I wish I could do that with Mary. It’s sucks being  adult-sized, and at the same time it sucks being a small adult like me.  Better not to grow up, but since you have to, it would be nice to at  least be average height. I’m 5’2”, not unheard of for women, but a far  cry from average and farther from Mary’s 5’8”.

And I about choked when my mother-in-law said, “I heard it’s back to pull-ups.”

“Yeah,” my sister-in-law said as she made the sweetest expression at Milo. “But we’re not in a hurry yet.” 

To  top it off, Mary had to work when we got home, even though it was a  Sunday. What fun was that? I needed some Mary time. I tried playing  footsy with her under the kitchen table, and that just got me told,  “Later, baby.” Hmph! Stupid work.

“Can I put panties back on,” I asked.


Well, what fucking fun was that? She was supposed to say no. How can I be a brat if she’s just gonna acquiesce?

“I think they’re stupid, by the way, the pull-ups.”

“I know you do sweetie,” is all Mary said. “Off you go.”

So now I was feeling put out and a little miffed. I went outside first, where I guess Mrs. Wilson heard our screen door shut.

“Who’s out there,” she called out over the fence.


She came to the fence and looked over. “Hey there, cutie pie. Why the long face?”

“Mary is working.”

“On a Sunday? Glad I got out of workforce before it turned into this 24/7 thing. You bored?”


“Wanna come help me plant tulip bulbs for spring?”

“Is it hard?”

“Not even a little,” Mrs. Wilson chuckled.

So  I helped her dig little holes along the edge of her bed. It felt kind  of nice to get my hand and knees dirty. She stood up and got another  tray of bulbs behind us.

“Daffy,” she asked me.


“Can I ask you something?”

“Uh huh.” Not many secrets between us, apparently.

“Are you ... are you have any health problems?” Crap! Except that secret. I instantly knew why she asked.

“Um,  no. Healthy as a horse, little ol’ me,” I said, obviously nervous. She  got back down on her knees beside me and started planting more. I guess  because she’s my pseudo-surrogate grandma she kept asking questions when  pretty much anyone else would’ve been quiet, in fact wouldn’t have even  asked the first question.

“You know you can tell me anything.”

“I know, Mrs. Wilson.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. It’s fine.” I straightened up and sat back on my heels. “Can I ask you something?”


“How did you notice?”

“With you bent over like that, it peeked above your jeans.”


“I don’t think you showed anybody else if that’s what you're worried about.”

“Good.” I sat there still.

“Daffy,” Mrs. Wilson said as she sat up next to me, “Are you sure everything is alright? Are you in trouble again?”

“No, I’m … I meant to change out of these. Stupid …”

“So you don’t need them?”

“Of course not! Mary … it’s sort of a reminder to behave. And sometimes a little bit of a punishment.”

“Oh … Huh.” 

I  suddenly felt humiliated and like I’d said way too much, not just in  embarrassing myself but in embarrassing her. She didn’t ask to have our  kinky life rubbed in her face. “Sorry. I’ll go,” I said as I set her  trowel down and stood up.

She caught my hand but didn’t pull me back down. “Don’t go just because you’re embarrassed. It’s okay.”

She was still holding my hand. “This isn’t fair to you. I’ll just … see you later.” I was on the verge of tears.

“Little girl …” What the fuck! What else did she learn from Mary!  “Please calm down. Sit.” I did as I was told. “I don’t care what you’re  wearing or why. If you need to be upset, you go right ahead, but not on  my account.”

“I’m sorry,” I sniffled, “I just … I meant to take it off.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I got upset and came outside and then you said hello, and I just forgot.”

“And then you got embarrassed. Well, don’t be. I’m sure Mary has a very good reason for having you wear those.”


“Now, what were you upset about it when you came outside?”

“Mary’s working, like I said.”


“And it’s Sunday. I want spend time with her.”

“Did you tell her that?”

“Sorta.” I bratted a little. That counts, right? I mean, Mary is pretty fluent in that language.

“Sometimes people have to work,” Mrs. Wilson said.

“I know. I have to work weekends sometimes, too.”

“It’s been an hour. Why don’t you go see if she can take a break?”


“And Daffy,” she said, “I like living next to the two of you. You’re my favorite neighbor. You make me feel young again.”

I blushed. “You’re my favorite, too. It’s kinda like … never mind.”



“Tell me.”

“Well, it’s kinda like, um, having grandma living next door.”

“Ooh,  you wicked little thing,” she said with a big smile. “If I weren’t an  actual grandma I’d march you right up to Mary and tell her spank your  fanny for calling me that.” She poked me in the belly as she said it.

“Hehe. I don’t mean it like that.”

“I know you don’t. C’mere. Big hug.” And I got a big hug, and it was nice. “Now, go see if Mary can take a break.”

“Okay.  Thanks again. I’ll come back out and help some more if she’s not ready  yet.” I got up and walked back through our fence. I wondered what Mrs.  Wilson tells people about us. I know we were a big surprise for her. I  can’t tell with her, though, if she’s playing along or if she just  thinks of me as someone who needs a little extra love and guidance (like  a little extra compared to an insecure teenager). I don’t know exactly  which of those I am anymore myself. I guess I’d kinda drifted over the  years, and the more people who came into my life who were willing to  provide that to me the more I just came to wear that need on my sleeve  with them. The thing is, Mrs. Wilson is the only person outside of the  kink community who fills that role for me. I wonder if she realizes  that, how unique that makes her. She just does that because why? Because  it comes naturally to her?

I  took my shoes off on the back porch to not track dirt through the  house. I’d managed to get my knees and hands quite dirty, too. It  occurred to me as I tried to brush myself off that I didn’t particularly  care if Mary was ready for a break. I was ready for Mary to take a  break. And dammit, I was going to get her to take one.

I walked back into our kitchen and stood next to Mary. “We’re you helping Mrs. Wilson,” she asked me.

Instead  of answering, I took off my pants and kicked them toward a corner.  Mary’s got a heckuva poker face. She put her chin in her hand and  watched me. She looked slightly amused, looking at me in that pull-up. I  tore the sides away, pulled that damn thing from between my legs, held  it by the waistband with my thumb and forefinger, and let it fall with  plop on Mary’s keyboard. She just blinked and bit her lip.

“Ahem,”  I said. Mary just sat there, so I took a step closer. “Ahem.” She  scooted her chair out, and I quickly climbed onto her lap and put my  head against her. She instinctively put an arm around me and tugged me  closer. “I don’t want you to work anymore today.”

“You don’t?”

“No, because it’s Sunday, and working on Sundays is not good for you, and it’s not good for me. We should spend it together.”

“Is that why you put your wet diaper on my keyboard?”

“Yes, to get your attention. And it’s not a diaper, it’s a pull-up.”

“That’s was very naughty of you,” she said as her finger started to twirl a strand of my hair.

“I know.”

“You have my attention now.” Her other hand traced a finger down my thigh.


“Is there anything else you want to talk about before we take care of your punishment?”

“I wanna do this more.”

“What’s that?”

“This,” I said as I snuggled in closer.

 “Okay, little girl. After your spanking, we’ll just snuggle for a while.”



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