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Chapter 16. Kate

“Jordan, I want to apologize for the other day,” Angie began. “I misunderstood the relationship between the two of you, and I should have gotten consent directly from you for the way I spoke to you and treated you.” Angie meant the apology. She’d gotten carried away, and she knew better having been involved in the lifestyle for thirty years.

“I accept your apology,” Jordan said in return.

“Good,” I replied. “I’m sorry to both of you for not being more clear with you, Angie. I guess I should have made it clear Jordy isn’t an adult baby.”

“So what can I do to help,” Angie asked.

“Well,” I said, “we’re both still new to living these 24/7 lifestyles. Jordy asked to be in diapers 24/7 about a month ago, and then I said I wanted a female-led relationship. So a lot of change for both of us.”

“What does that entail? The FLR part of your relationship, I mean.”

“Mostly discipline. I’ve been making sure Jordy takes better care of himself, and he keeps the house clean. Any laziness, and he gets punished.” I saw Jordy blushing from the corner of my eye. He’s really got no excuse for being that cute when he’s embarrassed.

“Does he need much punishment?”

“Not very much. He’s fairly well behaved overall.” I paused in thought for a moment. “Though I do think he’s starting to slack off in his chores a little more.”


Jordy spoke up, “I am not. I clean every day.” 

“I know you do, sweetheart, but sometimes more thoroughly than others.”

“Hmm,” Angie said again.

“Anything else?”

There were a few things I had let go for a while, and now that we were talking about them, I figured I might as well get it all out at once. “I’m still disappointed about Jordy’s diaper rash. It concerns me that he didn’t manage to take care of that before it got as bad as it did, and it bothers me that I told Jordy he needed to be sure he stayed healthy down there, and he obviously didn’t.”

“How is his diaper rash, by the way?”

“It’s, better,” Jordy said.

“All healed now,” I said as though we couldn’t hear him. “His health generally is something I worry about. That’s why I put us on a diet and exercise regimen.”

“And how is that going?”

“Good ...”

“Is there something more you want to say?”

“... I ... I think he’s cheating on his diet some.”

“Jordan,” Angie said, turning to him.

“I’m not,” Jordan said. “R-r-really.”

“Fibbing is a big deal, Jordan,” Angie warned.

“B-but it’s n-n-nothing. Just a snack here and there.”

“What kind of snacks?”

“Sweets ...”

“Anything else.”

“S-s-sometimes I go out to lunch while Katie is at work.”

“Jordan,” I said, upset with him. “We go shopping together and get things for your lunches every Sunday!” It’s not cheap trying to eat right, but the money wasn’t the point.

“Healthy things,” Angie said knowingly. “But let’s put that aside for now.”

“Hold on,” I said. “What would I find if I check your debit card receipts for the past month?”

“Really,” Angie said, “This is good, but we shouldn’t get hung up on this right now.” I sat back in my chair. It was definitely a topic we’d be returning to. “I want you to give him a full workup, Angie. I’ll call and make an appointment for him.” I saw Jordy begin to roll his eyes and think better of it. I wasn’t convinced he was as healthy as he looked. The exercise was no doubt helping, but what about his bloodwork? What about the amount of junk he ate, or more specifically, the junk he ate and hid from me?

“Jordan,” Angie said calmly, “tell me how you feel about all this?”

“Um ...”

“Just tell the truth, sweetheart,” Angie coaxed him.

“Well, I’m really glad Katie is okay with me wearing full time.”

“It makes you happier,” Angie asked.

“Oh, he’s much happier,” I said.

Angie turned her attention to me. “Thank you, Kate. I find it’s best when addressing a question directly to a boy like Jordy that he answers for himself. They don’t get to speak very much, so I like to make sure they have those special moments.”

“Oh, sorry,” I said. I wonder what Jordy thought of that, mixed message that it was.

“It’s okay. Jordy?”

“Uh, yes,” he said, “Much happier.”

“What about the rest of your new lifestyle? And no more fibbing. Just tell me what you feel.”

“I ... Cleaning every day is a bit much. It’s just the two of us, and it can still take an hour or almost two.”


“I mean, I don’t mind doing it some, but I am still trying to write and sell articles, and that takes a lot of time, too.”

“Are you getting enough of that time?”

“Most days.”

“But not every day?”


“How about cleaning twice a week?”

“That would work.”

“What else?”

“I s-still feel like I hide my d-d-diapers a little.”

“You do? Tell me more about that.”

“I keep them in the bathroom.”

“And you don’t like seeing the potty?”

“N-n-n-n-no. It’s not that. I just want to keep them in my dresser like r-regular underwear.”

“Kate,” Angie asked me, “how do you feel about that?”

“I didn’t ask him to do that. I don’t mind if he keeps them in his dresser, but I don’t ... I guess now that you mention it, I don’t want a diaper pail in our bedroom. I don’t want it to smell like a nursery in there.”

“Hmm,” Angie mused. “Would your guest bedroom be a good compromise? You could keep some in your dresser, and the rest in your guest bedroom, and Jordy can change in there, or at least keep the diaper pail in there.”

“That might actually work better,” I said. “Our kitchen trash can does smell pretty ammonia-y.”

“S-Sorry,” Jordy stammered. “I guess I got a little lazy taking them straight to the garage trash.”

“So that’s settled,” Angie said. “What else, Jordy?”

“I get tired of not getting to eat my favorite things.”

“Ya know,” Angie said, “Why don’t we save that until after your check up?”


“Anything else,” Angie asked.

“I g-guess I wasn’t exactly thrilled that Katie told you about us without asking me first.”

“Aww, you’re safe with me, buddy, but that is something we should talk about. Kate, why did you tell me?”

“Because I figured it would be less embarrassing to tell you the truth than another doctor, and if we told Jordy’s regular doctor he was incontinent, that would have just led to a much longer discussion. And I wanted to get him in right away; he looked so pathetic.” I hate seeing my guy hurt or sick.

“Hehe. Yeah, he did,” Angie said. “Have you told anyone else about your relationship changes?”

“We told my mom and sisters and brother-in-law Jordy is incontinent for the time being. That way we don’t have to hide it from them, one less stressor.”

“Jordy, how did you feel about that,” Angie asked.

“I guess I was okay with that. It makes sense; I mean, having people know, people we see all the time, just ... I guess there won’t be any surprises then.”

“Mhmm,” Angie agreed, “And does anyone know you’re a disciplined hubby now?”

“N-not unless Kate t-t-told someone.”

“And I haven’t,” I said. “Other than you.” I’d considered, mainly because I wanted to brag to Kiley, but there was no real reason to tell anyone, and even if there was, I’d never do that without Jordan’s consent. 

“Are you planning on it?”

“Well,” I said, “I really want to take Jordy to play parties. I’ve always wanted to. I want him to be a part of that part of my life ... and I wanna show him off.”

“Aww. You’re proud of your little guy.” Jordy was blushing again, about which comment I wasn’t sure.

“I am. And I like the idea of being watched. It’s a turn on.”

“Watched doing w-what,” Jordan asked.

“Paddling your butt,” I said. “Plus a little humiliation is a good punishment.”

“It definitely is, especially for someone as shy as Jordy.”

“And,” I continued, “I like the realism of it not being a secret Jordy is subject to discipline, at least in front of people in the scene.”

“So,” Angie asked, “if he were naughty in front of me, for instance, you’re discipline in front of me?”

“Exactly.” And now that she mentioned it, we did have a discipline issue to address.

“How do you feel about that Jordan?”

“I d-d-don’t want that,” Jordy stuttered.

“Well, the question isn’t really whether you want that,” Angie explained. “Of course you don’t want to have you bottom spanked even if that’s exactly what you need, but the question is whether you accept your wife’s authority to punish you where and when she believes you need it.” Jordan studied his shoes, not saying anything. “I think you might find you like it,” Angie continued. “And tell me if I’m wrong, but is your pee pee excited right now? And no fibbing.”

“A little,” Jordan whispered.

“You are just too cute! Isn’t he,” Angie asked me.

“Too cute,” I agreed. “So,” I asked, “do you accept my authority to do that?”


“Ya know,” Angie said, “I have my sub call me ‘ma’am.’”

I personally didn’t like that, not with my husband. Too formal. I’m his wife, not his domme. “I like Jordy to call me by my name.”

“To each their own. Well, we’ve been talking for an hour. I bet Jordy’s diaper is wet. Jordy, are your pants wet?”


“Good for you for knowing! I think you liked getting your diaper changed by me.”

“I did,” Jordy said.

“That’s something else you can do, Kate, have someone else change him if you don’t want to. Might be a little embarrassing for him, but also a treat. Jordy, how would you feel about that?”

“I ... s-s-sounds f-f-fun.”

“I don’t mind other people doing that,” I said. “I just don’t want to be in charge of his diapers.”

“Well, how about Jordy goes and puts his diapers in the guest bedroom while you and I chat woman to woman, and I’ll go change him in a little bit.”

“Good idea. Off you go, Jordy.”

“And you stay there until I come get you,” Angie warned him.

“One more thing,” I said. The thought just came into my mind, and I liked it and so I said it. “Do you accept my authority to have others discipline you?” Jordan froze and looked at me, then Angie. He turned back to me, and he just nodded. I sat back in my chair and pictured him over Angie’s knee and smiled. “Better do as she says then.”

When he was upstairs and out of ear shot, Angie leaned over toward me and put her hand on my arm. “Congratulations! He’s just terrific for this lifestyle.”

“Well,” I said, “he’s naturally submissive. It’s one of the things that attracted me to him. He’s just also painfully shy, so we never got very far with it.”

“You have now. I think he’s probably much more into sexual submission than he knows.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Because no one agrees to be spanked by their wife, let alone strangers, if they’re not.”

“He hasn’t been hard during a change yet.”

“So maybe he doesn’t like spanking, but I think he does like humiliation. I bet he’s quite excited right now thinking about getting his pants changed.” Angie had a devilish look in her eye.

“I didn’t know you were into diapers.”

“I’m not into diapers per se, but I like how they make men submissive. I’ve made Benjamin wear them as punishment. Or even just making him ask permission to go potty in the bathroom.”

“Mmmm. I like that idea.” 

“See? You like diapers more than you think.”

“Maybe, but probably more for the humiliation part of it.”

“You don’t want to be his mommy?”

“Ha! Not really.”

“Mind if I say something honest,” Angie asked.

“Kinda why we wanted you to come over.”

“You have a submissive boy in diapers whose bottom you spank. Maybe you don’t want to be his mommy, but you’re pulling down his diaper to spank him, you’re playing that role.”

“But he’s not an adult baby or a little. He doesn’t see me that way, either.”

“I want you to imagine something for me …”


“Jordan comes inside, and his pants are wet because his diaper leaked because he waited too long to change. You’ve had this conversation before. You make him stand on the doormat and take off his pants, scold him, and then swat his wet diapered butt all the way to your guest bedroom where you take that wet diaper off and put him over your knee. He’s in tears when you think he’s finally learned his lesson, and you order him to lay on the bed. You tell him since he can’t be trusted, you’re going to diaper him until further notice, and maybe that means leaving him in a wet diaper when he wants to be changed since clearly it doesn’t bother him that much. In fact, you tell him he’s not allowed to ask for a change, and if he does he’ll be spanked on the spot.”

“Mmmm.” I put that scene on a loop in my head.

“How do you feel right now?”

“Turned on,” I admitted. Angie sat back in her chair and smiled at me like the Cheshire Cat.

“See? It’s just another way of being dominant. At some point, it’s gonna happen naturally. Plus, if he’s really not a spanko, then he’s doing something for you he doesn’t like, so changing a wet diaper every once in a while won’t kill you.”

“Fair point.” I thought on that for a moment. “How do you think we’re doing otherwise?”

“I think you guys are doing great. I do think you need to ease up on the demands a little bit, like him cleaning twice a week instead of every day, but at the same time, you should be more strict in return. These first few months are really important to setting the tone and boundaries of the dynamic. You should really get a handle on that now so it’s normal later.”

“He really doesn’t do anything he shouldn’t.”

“Make stuff up.”

“Like what?”

“Does he ever get in a bad mood? Use a tone of voice he shouldn’t?”

“Of course.”

“So adjust his attitude for him. Remind him not to take that tone with you. The more you can make him feel like a child, the more he’ll go along with your authority. And before you say it, I know neither of you is supposedly into ageplay, but you have an adult who’s subject to spanking when he misbehaves. Doesn’t get much more childish than that.”

“He gets timeouts, too.”


“He’s definitely earned himself a spanking today if he’s been eating junk food while I’m at work.”

“That really concerns you, doesn’t it?”

“I’m worried about his health. He doesn’t take especially good care of himself, and it’s not like we’re getting younger. I think freelancing has been very healthy for him, but I still want to know everything else is okay.”

“I’ll check him over. Just call and make an appointment.”

“Any other suggestions?”

“Just one more: after he’s gotten used to be spanked and really starts to see himself as a spanked husband, sometimes when he earns one don’t.”


“Just tell him how disappointed you are, and say things like, ‘I thought you knew better by now.’ If he really feels like you’re in charge, he’ll feel so guilty he’ll end up asking you to spank him. That’s when you’ll be done training him. And after that, just sometimes be arbitrary with it. If he doesn’t always know what will and won’t get him punished, that just keeps him off balance and feeling not in control, because you’re in control.”

“Heh. I like that.”

“I bet he’s waiting for you,” I said.

“You wanna come watch? I bet I can make him turn three shades of red for you?”


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