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Chapter 9. Jordan

As I got dressed for the day I wasn’t sure what to make of what had just transpired. I didn’t actually know what had just transpired. I wasn’t sure if we’d just done something kinky or if I’d just been punished. If it was kinky, I didn’t hate it, and if it wasn’t, I also didn’t hate it, and that made me pretty uncomfortable with myself. I never did like spanking, but I did like the way Kate had taken charge, the way it made me feel to go over her lap not because I was indulging in her spanking kink but because she told me and she was in charge.

As for the spanking itself, I know this is ridiculous, but while I was feeling equal parts contrite, ashamed, and proud. I did feel ridiculous for having not gotten a handle on the leak, and the more I thought of it, the guiltier I felt to subjecting Kate to a wet bed when she had zero interest in anything urine related as a fetish. I was ashamed for having submitted and for having not been able to keep entirely stoic during my spanking, but I also felt proud for not having carried on too much. I didn’t cry. That was something. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d cried because of physical pain, so I still had that streak going. And having these thoughts, I felt ashamed for being the kind of man who was proud not to have cried while his wife spanked his bottom. I shook my head to clear these thoughts and focused on what was important in that moment, which was I was enjoying being diapered 24/7.

After breakfast, where I found it not too uncomfortable to sit, I went to my office to do some research on how to prevent leaks while lying down. Apparently I’m not the only one, because the DailyDiapers forum, where I’ve lurked for a long time, had dozens of posts on the topic. Kate came in while I was reading.

“Have you figured it out yet,” she asked me as she bent over to put an arm around my shoulder and look at the screen.

“I think so,” I replied.

“What’s this website?”

“Um, it’s a forum for ABDLs.”

“Are you a member?”

“No … there’s a sub-forum for spouses and family, too.” I don’t know why I told her that. I regretted it because I knew exactly what he was going to say next.

“Mind if I join?” And of course I couldn’t say no.

“I guess not,” I said, trying to mask the displeasure in my voice. Who knew what crazy ideas she’d get from the kink monkeys on DD? It wasn’t their butts that would have to pay for those ideas, either.

“So what did you figure out,” she changed the topic.

“I should’ve found plastic pants with a cloth liner.”

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” I didn’t answer. “Do you know where to buy them?”

“I was just about to google that.” I did and opened up the first couple of results.

“Wow,” Kate said, “This stuff is more expensive than I thought it would be.”

“Yeah, I know,” I replied, “But at least this stuff lasts a long time.”

“What else do they have?” I clicked through the sites while, and Kate giggled when she saw the cloth diapers and plastic panties in pastel colors and babyish patterns.

“Those are cute,” she said, pointing at disposable diapers with blocks and trucks on the waistband.

“Yeah, but, I’m not an adult baby,” I protested.

“I know. I just said they were cute. But they would look cute on you.” She was getting ideas.

“Anyway,” I interrupted her, “I think I just need those plastic panties.”

“How many pair?”


She smiled condescendingly at me, like I was a young, naïve boy. “Four,” she told me. “Do they sell bed pads, too?”


“Buy two. And have them overnighted. And you’re not allowed to use your diaper in bed until they arrive, understood?”

“Yes.” She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“Good boy.” Out of nowhere, I felt a little tingle in my stomach telling me how much I’d liked it when she called me that. I blushed and smiled, and Katie ruffled my hair before straightening up.

“Get your shoes on when you’re done and come find me. We’re going to lunch.”

I’d left the house in diapers plenty of times before, so it didn’t bother me to go out in the diaper I was wearing. That’s what I love so much about Abenas. We went to one of our favorite place, and we got a booth. It was crowded and noisy, which was perfect because Kate had no intention, apparently, of not talking about my diapers and misbehavior in public.

“You’re looking none the worse for wear,” she said as I sat down, observing that I did so without wincing, I guess.

“Fine,” I said back, flattening my lips and not matching her gaze. 

“Well, it can’t always be that easy, I hope you know.” Easy? Is wasn’t hard, but I wouldn’t call it easy, either. I’m not sure if Kate had ever been spanked, and if so when the past time was, but perhaps she didn’t have real perspective on the experience. We each looked what menu for about two minutes. We went there enough to know what was on it and just needed to refresh ourselves on what sounded good that day.

“What sounds good today,” she asked me.

“I was thinking a burger and fries.” Her eyes popped up from her menu.

“Honey, we talked about this, remember? Healthy eating?”

“Oh, uh, yeah. But it’s just one meal. Can’t it just be a treat?”

“A meal isn’t a treat – it’s a meal. How about you get it as a turkey burger and only eat half the bun?”

“Okay,” I whined.

“And no fries,” she added.


“Yes. You can have a salad with lite dressing instead.” I pouted, which I knew was childish, but eating was one of my few vices. I didn’t smoke. I hardly drank. I didn’t use any recreational drugs. Why did my one vice have to be the one that’s so damn bad for you in the long run and not bad at all for you in the short run. I was irritated by biology, and a little miffed at Kate. I didn’t even need a menu of my own, apparently. We ordered.

“Jordy,” she asked me, “What are you gonna do when you’re out if you need to change?”

“Uh, it’s never been a problem before.”

“But you’ve never worn 24/7 before. It might become an issue, right?”

“It could,” I granted.

“So what are you gonna do about it?”

“I guess I’ll start keeping a … bag in the car.”

“Maybe two.”

“Why two?”

“One with changing supplies in it, and an emergency one with a change of pants and socks in it,” she said. “I do laundry. I know you leak during the day sometimes.”

“I don’t think that’s likely while I’m out of the house.”

“I just don’t want you to get caught short and be embarrassed.”

“I appreciate that. I just don’t think it will be an issue.”

“I think you should,” she said.

“I … okay,” I conceded.

“You really do need to think of these things,” she lectured, “Kinda like the last couple nights and this morning. I don’t think you’ve put a lot of effort into thinking through how this changes your lifestyle.”

“I’ve put thought into it,” I protested.

“Jordy,” she said as she reached across the table to take my hand, “I’m not trying to be bossy. But from what I can see all you’ve done is bought a case of diapers, some plastic panties, and some rash cream.”

“Yeah …” I was wearing diapers 24/7 now. I needed diapers, right? Everything else was just a bonus, really, things I didn’t strictly need, plus I didn’t want to rack up a big bill on this, especially when it was new to Katie. “I figured I’d get what I need as I go.”

She frowned at me. “I think you’re gonna need some stuff right away. For instance, have you thought about the gym yet?” I’d been putting off that thought.


“Our first appointment with the trainer is Wednesday. You don’t have to change at the gym, but I thought maybe you’d want something a little more discrete and with a little more give to it.”

“I think I need pull-ups for the gym.” Kate froze for a second, and from behind me the waitress emerged with our meals. “Ah, ya know,” I tried to cover, “Pull ups, sit ups, bodyweight exercises in general.”

“Anything else I can get you,” the waitress asked.

“We’re good,” Katie said, having the courtesy to wait until the girl left before she laughed. “Nice one,” she managed to say, “smooth.” I chuckled, too.

“We’ll go get some when we leave,” she said as she sighed and started in on her veggie wrap.


“You need some things – let’s just go get them today. No sense waiting. There’s a medical supply store over on Houston. Unless you just want to go to the drugstore.”

“I can go tomorrow. You don’t have to come.”

“Shush,” she said, “we’re spending the day together, and I want to make sure you’re all prepared. Let’s just knock it out today, and tomorrow we can find something more fun to do. So, tell me what else you need. Pull-ups, a diaper bag, stuff to go in the diaper bag, a bag for the car.”

“Pants? I could use a couple more pairs of pants and shorts.”

“A chair pad,” she said.


“For the couch. Unless you want one for your office chair, too.”

“People will see it out there.” 

“We can always move it, but we did agree some people were just going to find out anyway. Have you figured out what you’re going to tell them?”

“That it isn’t a new problem, and that it’s just gotten worse, and the doctors are trying to treat it medically.”

“What’s ‘it’? I think you may get more questions.”

“Urge incontinence, and they don’t know why. I figured trying to be any more specific than that would just cause problems. Don’t need anyone play internet doctor and hectoring me with solutions.”

“They might do that anyway.”

“But it will be harder if they don’t have a specific condition to look up. Besides, the reality is there’s no common reason for a man my age to be incontinent, and the uncommon reasons are pretty drastic. I’ll just tell people this started a year and a half ago and it’s gotten worse.”

“I think that will mostly work. Ya know my mom is going to play internet doctor anyway, right?”

“I know. I’ll just do what you do – nod along and then ignore her.”

“And have you thought about travel yet? We’re going to the beach in six weeks. Do you need swim diapers?”

“Those are for the other thing.”

“Oh … what about when you’re just sitting on the beach?”

“I’ll just have to take my chance with my fake incontinence, I guess. It’s not like I change in and out of a diaper on a pubic beach.”

“True. So, I guess that’s one time you don’t have to wear. But otherwise, when we’re traveling the rule still applies. 24/7 means 24/7.”

“You sure you don’t mind this,” I asked.

“I’m sure.”


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