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Carter Tracy

Glad to see you sticking with the show! code geass was one of the first shows I ever watched in dub, and I was actually happy you switched. Can't wait to see more!


You really need to stop wishing for death and destruction. Pretty much every serious you wished for it made you regret it by the end.

lukas beyer

neat! I'm all for the patreon exclusiveness here.


we need more


also im glad you are continuing with dub, i really enjoy dub in code geass

Dylan Holcomb

Had no idea it went to patreon exclusive, just saw it appear today.


Honestly one of the few people I'm happy to pay to watch enjoy this amazing show love your personality so much


Thing with funemation shutdown is they were supost to give their library to crunchyroll after beibg brought out by them but seems either they leaving it till last minute or they just being assholes and cancelling any contracts they have