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Alexandre Le Lay

The British did it first. Some of the early tanks were goofy https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_tank

lukas beyer

I think tanya the evil has an ona and a special aside from the movie


Its crazy how nobody ever notices (even i didnt when i first watched) the real headquarters was the one Tanya was at. You can tell when you see the Francios mage fly to their HQ and its the same place Tanya was at. It's not shown in the anime more than that but in the manga they show that the place where Tanya was is the real HQ it's just well hidden in secret hidden tunnels that go underground to the real HQ. The top part was just a decoy to fool people but Tanya still blew the place up so everyone in downstairs in the real HQ got trapped and died from the fires and explosions that happened


1:52 Notice that those are shotgun shells the Col. are blessing. 11:20 In our WW1 the Allies spent 2 years digging mines under the German trenches at Messines and filling them with 1 million pounds of high explosives creating the largest man made explosion until nuclear weapons were made. 14:47 In our WW1 the US came into the war after several ships were sunk by German submarines. Tanya is the only one who can walk down a sub corridor and have to worry about ducking her head when going through the hatches.


7:24 I thought the communication center was the HQ area since the brass would need to be constantly talking to the troops and passing orders. Especially when Tanya smiled when hearing it was destroyed.

D Jung

To stay in chronological order, you'll need to watch the OVA first and then the movie.