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Ryuuji Gremory

Just for clarification Tatsuya can technically feel more than one emotion, they are just heavily neutered if they aren't directly related to Miyuki. Like he can be happy about things or be displeased about things, he can care for people as friends and stuff like that, but any strong emotions like love, hate, wrath, envy, etc. are what he is incapable off if Miyuki isn't at the core of them.

Kiril Kupenov

By the way, that sniper coulda ended him if he killed Tatsuya instantly, by a headshot or a bullet straight through the heart. That's why Tatsuya says he lucked out before he disappears him.

Ryuuji Gremory

To the head maybe, if it was a large enough caliber and hit the right spot, though unlikely. Heart never. Even if you are decapitated you aren't instantly dead, and Tatsuya takes about 0,2 seconds to restore himself and he doesn't need to be conscious (rather it forcibly activates if he looses consiousness).

Prateek Sridhar

Neel, you were wrong. 4:20 the name you looked up, James Zhu was the name of the bodyguard who got incinerated in that instant when you looked up ep 18. The boss' name was Richard Sun or Sun Gongming. Either way it wasn't the name mentioned in this episode tho :p

Prateek Sridhar

Philosopher's stone was in Harry Potter and Fullmetal Alchemist too


If you have not seen Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhood. Its a must its amazing i think you would enjoy it, Philosopher's stone is a big concept in that story.

James Yancy

The person that Tatsuya was replacing in the Thesis Tournament was NOT the girl that fell in the Mirage Bat competition, but rather her CAD engineer in the green coat who watched her falling with the horrified look upon her face.