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so the timeline is like: Season 1 > Reminiscence Arc > Season 2 > Movie

Jason Corum

Just in case Neel and some others are confused about what happened during the car accident scene, the Psion storm that Jumanji mentioned was referring to the interference caused by all the spells being cast be the other students. If Tatsuya did not use Program Dispersion (Gram Dispersion for short) then the Psion storm created by the students would of prevented anyone from casting magic on the car itself which is why Mari (the disciplinary committee head got so mad at Kannon and the other students). MINOR SPOILER AHEAD>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Side note gram dispersion is a anti magic spell unique to Tatsuya due to his specialized magic, I won't go into detail on what that specialized magic is because it is spoilers but I want to make sure that people don't confuse it with Program Demolition (Gram Demolition) which was used by Mayumi during the confrontation between Tatsuya's group and the first year blooms to nullify Honoka's flash spell and is used by Tatsuya during the up coming competition. I can't remember if it gets properly explained in the anime but gram demolition is basically a bullet made of compressed Psion particles that get fired through the Idea (information dimension) that detonate when they come in contact with a magic sequence causing the sequence to shatter/fall apart preventing the spell from rewriting phenomena and going off.


"But if I said it it's a problem." Yes. You're grown, they are not💀