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In that moment when Kirito reached for the gun - it was due to Asuna holding his hand in the real world (why anime switched to show her for a moment). New helmets are safer, and thus less powerful - it doesn't block the senses to same extent, so he partially felt the touch on his hand, and that's what reminded him to use it. So in the end, it was Kirito Sinon *and* Asuna together that defeated Death Gun :D

Ryuuji Gremory

You are right when you say he is fucked up in the head, like literally severely fucked up. The novel also tells how he ended up at that point, getting severely bullied at school (like he said before he went through similar things as Shino but he fled from in in contrast to her who still goes to school), the pressure of expectations from his parents but failing in school until he eventually ran away from reality, fled himself into GGO, prioritizing it over everything else. The anime played up the whole rapey aspect but in the novels that really is secondary to how truly mentally broken he is. He is so far gone at this point that after Shino managed to get him off her she grabbed the toy gun in her drawer and was able to convince him that if she shot him he would actually die, because according to his logic she had “real power” and keep him at bay this way. It not only shows how fucked up in the head Kyouji is, it’s also an important step in Shino overcoming her own fears and trauma. In case you are interested this is how it went in the novel: She found the handle by touch, lifted up the heavy gun, and pointed it at Kyouji. It was as cold as if it had been carved directly from a block of ice. The feeling in her right hand began to drain away as the numbness crawled up her arm. Even she knew that this sensation was not actual cold. It was her mental rejection of it that caused it to feel that way, but understanding how the sensation worked didn’t make it go away. A fear she couldn’t describe began to well up in the depths of her heart, like black water. The spotless white of her wallpaper began to waver, like the surface of water, and cracked gray concrete floated up from behind. Her floor tiles turned to faded green linoleum, the window to a wooden counter. Shino was back in the rickety old postal office. Kyouji’s face, caught in her crosshairs, suddenly warped and melted as well. His skin turned oily and ashen, deep lines appeared, and crooked, yellow teeth jutted from his cracked lips. The syringe in his hand had turned into an old-fashioned automatic pistol, gleaming dully. And so had the gun in her hand. Shino shrank, predicting the scene she would see next. Her stomach convulsed, leaping into her throat, and all the muscles in her back stiffened. No. I don’t want to see. I want to toss aside the Black Star and run away. But if she ran now, everything would go to waste. She’d lose both her life and something else just as important. Perhaps fighting the terror of the spasms as Shino, or fighting countless powerful foes as Sinon, would never bring her the results she sought. But…all strength was found in the process. Shino clenched her teeth hard enough to crack them and clicked the hammer of the gun with her thumb. The hard, dense sound tore through all of the illusion at once. Kneeling on the bed, Kyouji shrank back slightly at the sight of the Procyon SL pointed right at him. He blinked rapidly in terror, rasping, “Wh-what do you think you’re doing, Asada? That’s just…a model gun. Do you really think you can stop me with that?” Shino put her hand on the lip of the desk, putting as much strength into her quavering legs as she could to stand up. “You said it yourself. I have the true power. There’s no other girl like me who’s shot someone with a gun.” “…” Kyouji’s face went as white as a sheet. He scrambled back further. “So this isn’t a model gun anymore. When I pull the trigger, an actual bullet will come out and kill you,” Shino said, inching backward toward the kitchen with the gun still pointed at Kyouji. “Y…you’re going to…kill me…?” he mumbled, slowly shaking his head. “Asada’s going…to kill…me?” “Yes. You’re the only one going to the next world.” “ No…no…You can’t do that to me…” The willpower drained out of Kyouji’s eyes. His absentminded features stared into space, and he took a proper sitting position on top of the bed. When she saw his hand relax and the high-pressure syringe start to slip out of his fingers, Shino was briefly arrested with the choice to snatch it away from him at that exact moment. But she had a feeling that if agitated, he would lose all reason whatsoever and attack her. She continued her steady retreat into the kitchen instead. The moment Kyouji disappeared from view, Shino bolted back for the front door. It was only five yards, but it felt unbearably long. She raced with wide strides, trying to keep her footsteps quiet. But right as she reached the big step down into the foyer, the mat slipped beneath her feet, and she fell. When she swung her hand to regain balance, the model gun flew out and landed in the kitchen sink with an incredible clatter. Though she hadn’t fallen completely, Shino’s left knee hit the floor painfully. Still attached to the ground, she reached out as far as she could and snagged the doorknob. But the door didn’t open. She noticed the lock was horizontal and frantically twisted it vertical, her teeth clenched. At the same moment that the lock clicked open, a cold hand grabbed her ankle from behind. Kawahara, Reki. Sword Art Online 6 (light novel) (S.264-266). Yen Press. Kindle-Version.

Ryuuji Gremory

No one asked you to, that's why it's prefaced with "in case you are interested"

Peter Parker

cant wait for next arc

Alex Hencher

An Estoc is a one handed sword, similar to a longsword, but with an edgeless blade that tapers to a very sharp point. They were specifically developed to be able to counter and piece mail and plate armor. Like you said, functionally its very similar to the Rapier that Asuna uses, except you can actually block and parry with it without fear of it snapping in half.