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Nick is Rad

I didn't even see a notification that something was posted. I just felt it in my bones. LET'S GET IT! 🔥

AI Oxi

how tf did i not get a notif anyways LETTTSSS GOOOOOO

Antoine Jones

Yes horses are that fast... why do you think ppl back then rode horses to get around and not goats or cows or something lol, also yeah a car explosion would not be THAT big lol

Саша Одинец

One of my favorite things about this episode (aside Terminator 2 like action scene :D) - the parallel from the discussion in the cave to the episode 3 of season 1. Switch Kirito and Sinon to Klein and Kirito, when Kirito just got the revival item, when he walked out ready to die, walked out from Klein who tried to convince him not to kill himself - and you'll see exactly how much he has grown, what exactly he meant saying that him of before would've fought Death Gun without a fear. And now, just like Klein before, he stops Sinon from following same suicidal path he had. Kirito understands Klein of before, and with his own experience, he is now helping Sinon not to repeat his mistake (because in his case, it was Sachi's message that helped him, not just Klein from whom he did walked away).

Ryuuji Gremory

Well in the end it's still a video game, IRL you also wouldn't be able to dodge or cut bullets or snipe with an Anti-Materiel Rifle in midair while being shot at and having your leg just ripped off.