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yes, please watch some slime diaries, they are great and it’s just nice to see them living their lives peacefully.

Lotus Gramarye

to my understanding the movie is pseudo-canon. none of the stuff original to it is in the LN's but the story draft for the movie was penned by the author. Idk if anything from it has appeared in any LN stuff since but at the very least it can be considered canon if not relevant to the main story.

Ryuuji Gremory

Well pretty sure the movie went into production while the novels were one the last few volumes so there wasn't really any chance to properly integrate it into the story. That said it does fit into the canon without much trouble and if they wanted to they could seamlessly include some cameos in the adaptation of Vol.7 without changing any canon event at all.


yes sline diaries is good and an enjoyable relaxing show. thanks so much for reacting to this been waiting forver. I agree with your rating, thismovie seemed more like a sidequest so it was just an easy problem for our group tosolve, but the characters made it much better. Cant wait to see more reaction


Again, if you love Diablo, I would recommend watching Black Butler, at least the first season and yes, do watch the Slime Diaries, it is much more slice-of-life, but it is of people you already know and love and watching them get to actually enjoy their life instead of constantly worrying about it is nice.


People say the movie is mid prbly bc of the death fake outs that the movie did with Hiiro and Towa. And just saying it's mid bc of it's plot armor. Which I couldn't give a fuck for I enjoyed it. And about whether Violet is or is not canon, I'm not sure if that'd be a spoiler or not to u so I'll leave a space than u can look if u want. About Violet.... She is a Canon character but won't show up until waaaaaayyyyyy later in the series.

Nick is Rad

The only complaint I had heard about the film was just how fast Rimiru dispensed of the big bad. Seemed solid to me, but certainly would of been cool to see Rimiru pull something new out of his bag of tricks.

Armin Agic

Read the slime novels it will take a long times for the anime seasons to come out

Michael Wehmas

the naruto music synced up way too well

Ryuuji Gremory

Well it would have been weird for a true Demon Lord to struggle against anything but the biggest players in the entire world. They tend to already have established characters and play a role in the future so using them would be hard and just creating a new one not mentioned anywhere else would be weird. Which is why they used one, Violet, indirectly in this case, so they wont change her personally but still get to use her power for something. There simply was no actual big bad, it was a "small bad".


Violet is very cannon and fairly important

TAC Genesis

I couldn't figure out why the railcar scene was so familiar to me. I remembered that's it's literally copy paste from an old Rudolph movie when their puppets and animated by scene.

Dequone Jackson

Your emotional rollercoaster at the end had me dying lmao

Daniel Meissner

I think the movie as a whole is great, but the ending with the two fake deaths is genuinely garbage. Surely they could've come up with a better way to end it. But, I'm always happy to see slime content and 5 minutes of trash will not stop me from loving this universe. And I see a lot of people answering this question, but in terms of the canonicity of the movie: nothing in this movie happens in the source material (the light novels) so technically no it is not canon. However, it does not contradict canon and can be fit into the main storyline without causing problems. It is 'anime canon.' Though frankly, I wish they wouldn't have made this movie. Because if they didn't, season 3 would have been done probably about a year earlier and we could've advanced the incredible main storyline. Like, Tensura is the #1 selling Japanese light novel series ever. Why do they feel the need to make all these side stories? Just keep adapting one of the best stories ever told. It seems like an easy choice to me.