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AI Oxi


Renaud Nadeau

Welp, I haven't watched the reaction yet but I know this is the episode that hooks Neel on the story arc XD


Oh was not expecting ep3, thanks Neel!


In this episode something has not been translated right. She doesn't say "Uncle" but "Grandpa", which make sense because she said that she started to leave with her grand parents after her father died in a car accident. So technicaly there is no problem with her family that we know right now.


Thanks so much for the Eps. SAO each Season is one of my absolute Favorits i can't await the next Eps to be honest. :D

Elumesia Elure

Given up on the Slime movie at this point 😑


Bob = Bullet of Bullet's

dani oz

Neel could probably never watch K-Dramas. Nearly all of them has bullying in them lmao


Honestly Nurse can do anything she wants to my body

Antoine Jones

"Do all homes in Japan have a password system?" you know yo ucan get that on ANY home even in the US right? Id know, I have one. pushing a numbers in on a pad to unlock a door is a lot quicker than fiddling with keys, and i can lock and unlock the door with my phone so I dont have to get off my ass to let people in lol

Elumesia Elure

Yeah but he did the Black Clover movie as soon as it released. Just doesn't seem fair, he's already delayed it for 2 months.

Ryuuji Gremory

Some information on Shino’s mother that the anime didn’t give. The car accident that took her husband broke her, the accident was on a rarely used road, the father was critically injured and the mothers legs were broken, it took 6 hours before anyone noticed and help arrived, 6 hours in which she had to sit there injured and watch her husband slowly die. After the accident, Shino's mother mentally regressed to when she was a teenager and met Shino’s father. Shino cant even be sure if her mother actually recognizes Shino as her own daughter, she might just see her as a little sister. She was in no state to raise a child, that’s why they were living with the grandparents, who became Shino’s legal guardians. (And as someone else said, in this episode she was on the phone with her grandfather not her uncle, the subtitles messed that up) Shino’s mother simply didn’t have the mental capacity to cope with the situation and comfort Shino, it’s not like she was blaming her or started hating her or anything, she simply wasn’t able to act as a mother in that situation.


still waiting for 7ds episodes m8

Justin Moore

When he said all homes he meant is it the norm or there. Obviously you can change your own locks.