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I don't think thats a spoiler, but Asuna was looking through a mirror, while she was looking at the code this time.

Саша Одинец

Asuna's scolding of Kirito after he accepted the duel with Heathcliff without a second thought had brought its fruit as this time in similar situation between Leafa/Sigurd he just directly called Sigurd out for improper use of the in-game companions :D How rich Kirito may be? Well, we know that in episode with Murder mystery, Grimlock got all of the belonging of his wife when she died... And technically Asuna died in front of Kirito in the end of SAO... So, who knows :') As for mirror - I would only point out, that without it, the image was pixelated when Asuna tried to look directly at the code


kirito did mention that he'd be able to afford asuna's house that costs 4MegaCols or 4 million Cols so i guess he atleast have that much money


I hope you had a great time off but finally youre back


Maybe you forgot but last episode you saw that he has a pixelated field around the interface so she cant see it, but it doesnt work on the mirror


just one thing about kirito and leafa, yes they cousin they said it in preview episode and that maybe look weird to have feeling for kirito but it's just for us cause in japan that legal.

Ryuuji Gremory

It's actually legal in a majority of countries around the world, including some US states and large parts of Europe. Japan simply has a more recent history of it being not just legal but considered as a normal thing that happens, even if it happens less and less. What should also be considered the situation and context. While they were close siblings when they were young Kazuto completely isolated himself from her and his family, as much as a 10 year old can. By the time SAO started they have been estranged for 4 years, a third of her life, and then he suddenly is basically in a coma and could die any day. That's the situation she has to deal with for 2 years, in which she suddenly gets told that they aren't real siblings. Then after 6 years of being isolated from him the person who is not actually her brother comes back he is suddenly super nice and caring towards her and tries to get close to her (because he feels guilty of how he acted in the past). That is a confusing situation for a teenage girl. So yes she has some confusing feelings for him, but that doesn't mean that Suguha actually wants to be together with him. In fact it's the opposite, she is trying to get over it, because she knows it's wrong (not only because they are cousins but also because he already has someone) and they should just go back to being close siblings.

Саша Одинец

Ryuuji Gremory - And on top of aaaaall that, there's an important moment in this very episode when she discusses with Yui - what she *thinks* *liking* someone, romantically, is. She's a teenager who only starts to build an understanding of the concept, and may come from the wrong end of it. By which I mean - she sees in herself the attributes of what she thinks the romantic love may be like, and this is what makes her so conflicted. All of the above explanation is what makes her feel this way, plus some more, but doesn't mean she's right in her interpretation of it. Which is understandable for a confused traumatized teenager she is.

Nick is Rad

Yeah, his transparent wing was also in front of it so whatever enchantment he did probably couldn't filter through three layers: the wing, the mirror, and her eye.

Nick is Rad

Neel's grimace when she said, "It's not like I love him or anything", was priceless. 😂

TAC Genesis

i think before 2040 we are going to have some sort of Full Dive technology but not to the point it affects smell and taste

Brian Falero

Neel will you return to the pirates of the caribbean movies?


my man took a other 3 days vacations with no upload compared to youtube 🤣


He did mention he was sick and feeling under the weather previously, I think we should afford leniency. We may get multiple-uploads-in-a-day situation. Nothing wrong with him taking a few days to unwind from vacation.

Fahad Khan

Is neel ok we didn’t see any uploads


holy shit you stupid