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sao is pretty good, imo but so is parasyte

Peter Parker

Sao is pretty long actually


SAO is soo good and u will love the sound effects


The 7 sins: Wrath, Envy, Greed, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust and Pride. Btw I really enjoy your reactions, keep up the work ! :)


Sao is good


ep 4 still not unlocked for me


I am glad you are doing seven deadly sins. Even though it sadly went downhill because from what I heard netflix put out the first movie for the series and it didn't do as well as they wanted so they cut back on resources or some shit and pushed season 3 onto a different studio that barely had enough time to do anything let alone make a good season of the show and that is when the series started tanking. Overall the source material for this series is great. I still have nostalgia back when I was a teen watching the first season of this series. It was insane to me how unique and dope it was. It was one of those series where it just stuck out super hard from being unique and having cool characters and being well done. The music and the artstyle it all just stuck with me. It sucks though cause you know the saying about how nails that stick out are hammered down. Its what happened to this series in season 3. Although I think I heard season 4 was decent since it was actually given enough time for the new studio to work on it.


You mentioned about bleach coming back soon. Mushoku tensei season 2 airs this summer as well. Mushoku tensei is GOAT status