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episode 6 is locked behind higher tier


oh I thought it was a mistake. I assumed this was the highest tier to get all of the episodes when they post


I think I did the 10 dollar tier...? Normally 10 dollar tier is the one where most reactors give you the reactions asap so that is why I assumed. It wasn't me just assuming for no reason lol


I don’t know if you can’t read or you chose not to but the $10 DOES have early access. It’s just the $15 tier has Super early access which is ahead of $10. It is stated in the tier perks before people sign up or is easy to understand. I’m not trying to be rude, but I hope you can understand me having to explain this every once in a while because people can’t read.

Elumesia Elure

You could at least specify how early instead of just using the word "super early" so we actually know how many episodes we would get access to. Some people see the $10 tier with "early access" written on it so they immediately choose that one without reading the others because normally nobody does 2 tiers of early access. It's just a common assumption. Most people even just upload on Youtube the same day as they do on Patreon. Not saying you should do this, just explaining why some people might get confused.

TAC Genesis

you said Mac and I thought Big Mac before Apple LOL