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Moving Forward for a little while I'm going to post 1 episode per video and a new vid every day instead of 5-8 episodes in 1 big vid and then not posting for 7-8 days. I saw that a lot of people are getting confused and thinking I'm not posting enough, even though I'm posting more than the promised amount per month. It's easy to forget that YES it's been 10 days since the Last(HxH or Bleach or Haikyuu) but that last upload most likely had a lot of ep in that post or I did multiple big vids that week and uploaded next 2 weeks worth in same day. P.S. I'm not calling anyone out because I can see that for new peeps it might be a bit confusing so I'll do 1 ep per vid more consistently like other youtubers do. 



I think for HxH it is not that bad to be 1 episode per day even though I prefer the way it was until now bit for Haikyuu I think that a bundle of episodes is much better especially if it’s mid match episode


But in the end you do what is the easiest way for you


I honestly prefer the way you do it, you should do how you like it, it's not confusing at all imo


I personally like it that way as well but I can tell how it might be for someone who joined for the first time and they’re like “he hasn’t uploaded any vids in last 5-6 days” not realizing the last vid had 1 full week worth of ep packed in it lol