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Watch "Bleach Movie 2" on Streamable.



all movies are cannon

Roz Roz

Hitsugaya actually said Kusaka's name when he was fainting, he said "Kusa...ka", yet it was mistranslated as "damn.. it". The interpreter must have misheard it as "kuso...ka" And you need to pay attention to Hitsugaya's gesture when he was about to leave the Kurosakis' residence, he bowed with respect to a certain someone, not just being grateful for taking care of him.


movie 1 is canon first reason is they had the comics and novels by kubo, the manga references the movie. movie 2 at the end of manga volumes he states that he made kusaka and toshiro past from his perspective. movie 3 he says that this movie he felt like it has the most connection to his original work. movie 4 has an anime ep introducing movie and also says its linked to original work. so overall all movies are cannon hope this help u guys, if i dont sound clear i apologize not good with wording @ on discord (shadow#1918) and ill send u a vid of my buddy he explains it perfectly but i warn u think it contains spoilers

Laude Stellarum Nocte

I never rewatched this movie after finishing the manga. That is a great point though. no way nothing but the rain was taken into account here though right?

Paul-Mihail Draghioiu

no they are NOT. ffs sake people use some critical thinking and logic will ya? This movie's plot literally involves 2 separate soul reapers awakening the same zanpaktou spirit. Given what we know about them, especially in the blood war, there is no goddamn way this is possible. Therefore this movie can't be cannon. It breaks lore. The Hell Verse movie likewise can't be canon. First off, it takes place after Ichigo beats Ulquiora, but before he beats Aizen? How? There was no pause in between those events. Second of all, Kubo himself admitted and showed during the recent one shot that he did not approve of the depiction of Hell in the movie. You could maybe make an argument for Movie 1 and maaybe movie 3 to be canon, but 2 and 4? Impossible

Paul-Mihail Draghioiu

BTW, This is the second time Neel fails to connect the dots with a certain voice :)) No hating, just find it amusing :D

Antonio Auditore

You realise that the zanpaktou spirit was a thing before both of them? the sword already had a name.