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Watch "Boruto 61,62" on Streamable.



There more than just 44 episodes that you need to watch. Please consider the following list for the best experience. 93, 94, 95 => Light 3 single episodes based on the Naruto Shinden novels, very wholesome. 127 - 136 => If you love OG Naruto, Jiraiya and Neji, this arc is for you, personally written by Kishimoto for the anime. **You can come back to the above episodes later as well if you want after you're caught up** 148 - 151 => Manga canon 157 - 220 (except 172 & 176) => The manga canon has missing elements that are expanded and manga readers all agree that everything is perfectly shown so this set is a must. 221 - 226 => Chunin re-examination (your choice to watch, it is mostly very good except for 1 fight)


About Naruto taking the headband, I think it should be noted that it wasn't necessarily permanent. Hence Naruto saying they would talk about it later. One might see it as a suspension.