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I know recently some of you guys have been asking why there’s so many Bleach uploads and what’s been happening to HxH & Boruto. It’s mainly because I’m trying to finish Bleach All Canon Episodes of Bleach by first week of September. This will give the editors enough time to edit and finish bleach on YouTube before the Final season airs. Once I’m done with Bleach I will have a lot more time that opens up and I’ll be putting that time into HxH & Boruto so we can finish those series as fast as possible. Put in short, I’ll be doing the minimum 3 episodes of HxH and minimum 2 episodes of Boruto for nex 2 weeks as promised and stated in the tiers, I'll be doing more Episodes of Both Series once Bleach is Finished. 🚨 Future show: We will be doing a Poll for the Next show once Bleach is done, the 2 shows picked for the poll for now are Haikyuu & Slime.



Understood brother! Keep up the great work!!


Slime please that shits goated.

Parvy Larvy
