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All Will Play. Only One Will Be Crowned King. Who Will be King of the Colosseum?  To kick off this unique challenge we have Genestealer Nick taking on Tak and his White Scars.  Who do you think will take Game 1?  

This March 2024 we start a new series exclusively for membership! In this SINGLE ELIMINATION CHALLENGE we are going to attempt to play EVERY FACTION. This March we release six episodes of King of the Colosseum. We are editing like mad men here at Play On Tabletop headquarters.   

GENESTEALER CULTS Ascension Day Incursion Force (500 points)
Primus w/ Enhancement: Inscrutable Cunning
Reductus Saboteur
Acolyte Hybrids
Neophyte Hybrids
Atalan Jackals  

WHITE SCARS Stormlance Task Force Incursion Force (500 points)
Chaplain on Bike w/ Enhancement: Feinting Withdrawal
Outrider Bike Squad
Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs
Heavy Intercessors
Invictor Tactical Warsuit  

THE CHALLENGE! Players will compete in the same arena, with the same mission every time. The winner stays in the Colosseum to keep fighting. The losing player's faction is eliminated from the challenge completely.  Each list is only 500 points. Every loss will be felt! Every move important.  

In this first game the Genestealer Cults are numerous and outnumber the White Scars greatly. Not only do the Cults have more bodies, but there is a resurrection mechanic that the Space Marines must contend with. A Genestealer Cults unit may return to the battlefield to keep fighting and grabbing objectives while every Space Marine killed stays dead.  The White Scars have incredible mobility and can press the attack right off the hop. The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is a high toughness, high wound, and high damage dealer that could do a lot of work for Tak. Nick however has an answer in demolition charges and mining lasers.   

Every list must contain a character, two infantry squads (not including the character / warlord), and cannot have any units toughness 10 or higher.   Already in Game 1 we are seeing very different lists and mechanics deployed. This will be exciting to see which faction wins and keeps fighting and which faction will be eliminated from the challenge completely.


King of the Colosseum Season Opener! The Beginning of the Trial. Patreon Exclusive.

All Will Play. Only One Will Be Crowned King. Who Will be King of the Colosseum? To kick off this unique challenge we have Genestealer Nick taking on Tak and his White Scars. Who do you think will take Game 1? This March 2024 we start a new series exclusively for membership! In this SINGLE ELIMINATION CHALLENGE we are going to attempt to play EVERY FACTION. This March we release six episodes of King of the Colosseum. We are editing like mad men here at Play On Tabletop headquarters. GENESTEALER CULTS Ascension Day Incursion Force (500 points) Primus w/ Enhancement: Inscrutable Cunning Reductus Saboteur Sanctus Acolyte Hybrids Neophyte Hybrids Atalan Jackals WHITE SCARS Stormlance Task Force Incursion Force (500 points) Chaplain on Bike w/ Enhancement: Feinting Withdrawal Outrider Bike Squad Assault Intercessors w/ Jump Packs Heavy Intercessors Invictor Tactical Warsuit THE CHALLENGE! Players will compete in the same arena, with the same mission every time. The winner stays in the Colosseum to keep fighting. The losing player's faction is eliminated from the challenge completely. Each list is only 500 points. Every loss will be felt! Every move important. In this first game the Genestealer Cults are numerous and outnumber the White Scars greatly. Not only do the Cults have more bodies, but there is a resurrection mechanic that the Space Marines must contend with. A Genestealer Cults unit may return to the battlefield to keep fighting and grabbing objectives while every Space Marine killed stays dead. The White Scars have incredible mobility and can press the attack right off the hop. The Invictor Tactical Warsuit is a high toughness, high wound, and high damage dealer that could do a lot of work for Tak. Nick however has an answer in demolition charges and mining lasers. Every list must contain a character, two infantry squads (not including the character / warlord), and cannot have any units toughness 10 or higher. Already in Game 1 we are seeing very different lists and mechanics deployed. This will be exciting to see which faction wins and keeps fighting and which faction will be eliminated from the challenge completely.



Yep. Like this a lot!

Will B

This is a great idea! Can't wait to see the future games.