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An exciting NEW series is coming to YouTube Membership! King of the Colosseum is a Warhammer 40k single elimination format where we are going to try to play EVERY faction. Players will build 500 point lists representing a faction and compete in the Colosseum.   

Winning players will move on to face a new challenger. The losing faction is eliminated from the Colosseum completely. These will be action packed, highly tactical and entertaining games of Warhammer 40k.

Series coming soon to Patreon. 

Today, February 16 we will place some exhibition live streams so you can get a taste of the format.


What is the Upcoming King of the Colosseum About?

An exciting NEW series is coming to YouTube Membership! King of the Colosseum is a Warhammer 40k single elimination format where we are going to try to play EVERY faction. Players will build 500 point lists representing a faction and compete in the Colosseum. Winning players will move on to face a new challenger. The losing faction is eliminated from the Colosseum completely. These will be action packed, highly tactical and entertaining games of Warhammer 40k.



THis is cool!


Sounds awesome, can't wait!




are agents going to see a showing in this? i really want to see an agents battle report but no one can field a 2k army, this would be a great environment for them.