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Hey, Play On People! 

The Space Marine faction is filled with incredible war machines; from Dreadnoughts to Battle Tanks, Land vehicles of both Speeder and Raider varieties, and the new hovering gun boats of Primaris fury, there is something to love from every era... However, I want to know your favorite!

In the comments section below, tell me which of all the Space Marine vehicles is your favorite and why! The answers can be deadly serious or frankly over-the-top! Let's share what we love about the factions slick rides before the new book comes out and get a feel for what the Play On Community digs about the boys in blue (or yellow, or red, or green, or white, or black, or magenta, or beige, or orange, or a mixture of yellow and red, or a mixture of purple and yellow, or.... whatever...)

For example:

- When I asked Tak this question he responded with "I like the Repulsors because they float in my bath tub".... he then muttered something under his breath about finally having the fire power to destroy the "Ducky Alliance". I decided to probe no further. 

- JT responded with "I like Land Speeders because of the whizzing sound they make." He then made a soft whizzing sound with his lips which I listened to over the phone for, admittedly, too long.

- Nick responded with "I like Devilfishies"... I tried a few times to ask him about Space Marine vehicles but this conversation sank, quickly, to the bottom of the sea.... get it? Nick?... Get it?...

- I couldn't find Paul.

- Tycho said, enthusiastically, "I love Rhinos!", to which I chuckled a little, reached down to get something from the laptop bag I was holding and when I looked back up he was wearing a large, fake horn on his head (don't know where he got it, not sure where he was keeping it, didn't ask). 

I have been playing Space Marines for such a long time, from the first time I ever picked up the game, there has been something about the emperor's finest that has always pulled me towards collecting and playing the army (I've always had a thing for tall guys with two hearts and just the right amount of zealotry... so dreamy).

My favorite Space Marine Vehicle is the Dreadnought. I love the idea of a sealed tomb with legs, guns, and a furious rage that can only be quenched with the purging of xenos scum. The first model I ever owned was a Space Marine Dreadnought. It had a power fist, a storm bolter, and an assault cannon and I loved it so much. I played with it in every game for the longest time while learning the game and every so often I play with it even now, years later. 

Whatever your reason for loving a Space Marine vehicle, be sure to share it! Make us laugh! Inspire us! And most importantly... Play On!

SpaceMarineSteve, signing off....


If you're a fan of 40k in 40m... You're going to love this weekend.



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