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edit: i decided to pause billing for one month for the reasons you'll read below;
i'm definitely drawing something and will post on here regularly, but since i don't know how many illusts i'll be able to finish i decided it would be best to pause payouts for one month so you guys won't be scammed in case i won't post much.
thank you for the support as always, it means a lot to have you guys here; it allows me to focus on what i enjoy rather than on taking more work to pay bills.


i'm usually vocal about what goes through my mind art-wise and the struggles i face with creativity; i've spoken several times in regard to my art blocks and the difficulties i had with adhd related to content creation, consistency and workflow and brutally forcing my way through these things has sucked the life out of my art.

i realized i'm lucky enough to still have my fair share of income from commissions and that posting online hasn't been helping me for quite a long time, considering how terrible every social's algorithm is at the moment.  that had me thinking: instead of whining about my reach, why not take the chance to just relax and enjoy art again like i used to do when i was younger? and that's what i'll do: take back my spark and just draw for the sake of drawing, because people who enjoy my art will stick with me regardless of what i draw.

vacations helped be take a deep breath and see things from another perspective: i want to enjoy my craft, make it unique again, and focus on quality rather than quantity.
which means i get to do what i studied for and always wanted to do: work on a comic!
i've already got story and characters planned, and couple friends are helping me with enviroment, dialogues and all the technical stuff behind a comic. it will read like a manga and that's obviously the style i'm going for, and it's gonna be a short, slice-of-life kinda story with a gothic/melancholic tone.  I'm very excited because this is solely a project made to draw what i've always wanted to draw: gothic settings, frilly clothes and simple gloomy stories.

i'll take a break from posting on socials and focus on posting here on patreon for a bit, only publically posting stuff when i really feel like i have something worth sharing, and writing updates on my art and character design on here on patreon and fanbox.

i'm gonna focus on my story, personal illustrations, commissions and merch this year and the next, and hopefully i'll see the light at the end of the tunnel.

thank you for sticking with me and i hope you'll enjoy the new direction.
i'm, after a long time, excited to do something again.



I've been going through a similar thing with my art, trying to find my joy and roots again since social media is not on our side. I wish you luck and I can't wait to see your personal art!


that sounds so exciting and like the right path to take!!! can’t wait to see the comic!!