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This map set is part of the Hideouts & Lairs series.


The mighty Gold Dragon, Ildrand the Bold, has a curious affinity for humans. He is rarely hostile unless heavily provoked and enjoys entertaining and throwing extravagant balls but is rather picky with who he invites.

He has made his home in an abandoned temple, set into the mountainside over a river. The temple was run down and collapsing when he found it, but over time he has rebuilt and restored it to its original grandeur, even maintaining the gardens outside.

Ildrand’s lair sits close to the border of two nations who have held a tense peace for many years. Now it seems that peace may be breaking down and war may be on the horizon. Ildrand has been asked to be a neutral arbiter in negotiations, and envoys from both factions are arriving soon for the talks.

Despite agreeing to mediate, Ildrand believes that at least one of the groups is in fact coming with the intent of an ambush and wants a third party of politically unattached adventurers to help him keep watch and ensure nothing untoward happens.

Patreon Downloads

Use the ZIP folder at the bottom of this post to download the free versions of these battlemaps for use in your TTRPG campaign. If you would like access to the high resolution, un-watermarked and gridless variants of this and other maps along with extra rewards, and would like to support me, check out my paid Patreon tiers!

Traveller Tier Patrons can access the High Resolution Print and VTT Day, Night & Gridless variants of this map HERE 

Higher Tier Patrons can also get the Complete Variant set including Day, Night,Dry, & Clean variants HERE 

Grid Information


  • GRID SIZE 44x34
  • PIXEL SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)



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