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(Apologies for any inconsistencies in the spacing and layout of this post. Patreon has completely broken linespacing and line breaks somehow)

Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In January we released -

  • 224 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 7 Illustrations
  • 247 Assets
  • 5 Tokens
  • 2 Adventure Modules
  • 7 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Custom Ancestry

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Stone Palace Council Chambers

Deeper into the Palace, behind the Throne Room, are the Council’s Chambers. Each of the 5 members of the Council of Elder’s have a residence here. Most of them also own property in the Upper City but spend the majority of their time within the Palace walls as their work keeps them busy and being within the Palace means they are better protected (and easier to keep an eye on).

There is only one official entrance in and out of the Chambers, and it is well guarded at all hours, but there are also numerous hidden passageways connecting the rooms, as well as routes out of the Palace. Some are known to the servants and are used to move around the chambers without disturbing the Council members or their aides. Others are only known to the King and Council members, methods of escape should all else fail.

High Seas

Viking Ships

A collection of Viking themed boats and ships. The Viking Longship, Cargo Ship and Cog Warship.

Maebell Riverboat

The Maebelle has been taking tourists from Steepford to Farhaven and back along the River Hale for over 10 years. The Maebelle is a luxury paddleboat with space for two dozen guests plus crew. The weeklong ride is usually a relaxing affair and in high demand due to the beautiful scenery, but the boat has been out of action for the last few weeks. At certain points along the route, the river narrows significantly forcing the Maebelle to slow down to pass through, and it seems a group of bandits has taken note of these locations.

On its previous voyage the boat was boarded by surprise, the guests robbed and manhandled and the engine scuppered. After being slowly hauled back to port, the damage was fixed, but the usually popular excursion is struggling to sell tickets. Word has spread of the attack, and very few travellers are willing to take the risk.

Captain Bevan, the Maebelle’s owner and helmsman, is offering a free ride including food and board to any adventurers willing to protect the ship from further attacks. He also believes the engine was previously damaged by someone already onboard to slow any escape, and that the same person may have been I contact with the bandits to tell them when and where to set up the ambush. It could have been a guest, but more likely a member of his crew. While he is openly advertising the protection job, he will secretly offer a significant bonus for any investigation work that uncovers the inside man or woman.

Into the Wilds

Houses & Homes 04

  • Mage's House - It's widely believed that Mages and Wizards primarily live in towers, but in reality only the most successful members of this group are actually able to afford one. Most jobbing sorcerers and arcane wielders are forced to live in regular houses, although they can't help adding the occasional spire or turret where possible.
  • Slum Housing - Although ignored by the wealthier classes, the reality is that the majority of the population live in the 'slums'.  These ad-hoc neighbourhoods are full of wonky overlapping structures, open sewage streams, dirt roads, plague, pests, rodents and community spirit.
  • Longhouse - This small town's chieftain opens his doors to any in need, often hosting feasts and parties for his townsfolk. There are cosy furs, a warm fire and a decent meal at any hour day or night. Stick around for long enough though and he will put you to work!
  • Gardener's Cottage - This small cottage is owned by an older gentleman. Somewhat of a hermit, he cares little for the going on of the outside world, fully content with keeping his garden. Recently however he has been having issues with a rabbit wearing a blue shirt. Despite his best efforts it keeps breaking into his garden and stealing his vegetables. He suspects fey trickery and wants help dealing with it.
  • Free 
  • Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Ruins of Ere'Trea Exterior Scene

Ere'Trea, the Tower of the Gods, was once a monumental landmark. The structure marked the point where the boundaries of four ancient Kingdoms met, and was maintained as neutral ground between them, a place for treatise and discussions for the good of all, under the watchful eyes of the Gods. Once a year the four leaders would meet to discuss their ongoing relationship, and for generations this tradition held.

One year however, there were increased tensions. A poor harvest followed by droughts and fires had ravaged the lands and bandits raids were increasing. Rather than working together, each leader believed the others were conspiring against them, sending in the bandit parties and burning crops. All four secretly planned to have the others assassinated at their yearly meeting, they felt this was the only way to re-establish order and feed their people. When the day of the meeting came, all four leaders sat down to talk, their plans in motion, and all four assassinations were successful, each dying within seconds of the others. In order to punish their stupidity, the Gods decreed that the four slain leaders would be entombed below the tower, their spirits forced to spend eternity along side one another until they could come to an agreement.

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato

Viking Longhouse Asset Pack - 22 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of Viking themed assets.

Gardening Asset Pack - 66 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of Gardening themed assets.

Wagon Prefabs Asset Pack - 21 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of prefabricated wagon assets.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.35 (Adventurer+)- Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month!

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud. 

Zariel BBEG - (Free) - Free Zariel Token with 5+ variants (Free)

Premium 5e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Circus of the Shattered Moon by Alex LeFort - 4th to 6th Level

After a ringmaster’s attempt to infuse his circus with lunar magic went wrong, its performers were transformed into werebeasts with a thirst for blood. Will the party be able to discover the origins of this curse and the methods to reversing it, or will an entire circus be doomed for the hubris of its leader? 

Premium PF2e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Widows Gambit by Alex LeFort & David N. Ross - 4th to 5th Level

A widow who was taken advantage of by an unscrupulous jeweller knows that she has no further recourse than hiring the party to steal back what should rightfully belong to her. Can the party infiltrate the jeweller’s shop and locate her prized heirloom in time before being discovered?


5e Adventures

Springfoot Ancestry for 5e and PF2e

Springfoot are a reclusive community of creatures, mostly seeking to live their lives and serve their communities as best they can. They learn to survive by relying on one another to get themselves through difficult times.

While many of them are devout in their beliefs of the Three Tenets, some eschew these beliefs as the teachings of elders and nothing more. Many pursue a quiet life of enlightening activities such as hobbies or meditation, but their curious nature makes it difficult for some Springfoot to stay put in their villages for too long.

While sharing the location of their varied settlements is a social taboo, each adult Springfoot gets their chance to find their way into the outside world and choose whether or not they return to their communities at the end. While most do, some find that the temptations of the world with all its possibilities and adventures is far too tempting to leave behind for a quiet life.

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets!

Warehouse Nightclub

Trawler Ship

TC Modern Asset Packs (Explorer+)

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



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