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This illustration is part of a series of fully hand painted interior and exterior scenes based on my maps to help you set the scene for your players and add an extra level of immersion and atmosphere to your games.

Which of my other existing maps would you like to see painted scenes of in the future?

This illustration is part of the Ancient Worlds series.

The accompanying battlemaps can be found HERE 

Patrons can access the hi-res variants HERE 

This free version is 3135x2200 pixels @ 140dpi


Ere'Trea, the Tower of the Gods, was once a monumental landmark. The structure marked the point where the boundaries of four ancient Kingdoms met, and was maintained as neutral ground between them, a place for treatise and discussions for the good of all, under the watchful eyes of the Gods. Once a year the four leaders would meet to discuss their ongoing relationship, and for generations this tradition held.

One year however, there were increased tensions. A poor harvest followed by droughts and fires had ravaged the lands and bandits raids were increasing. Rather than working together, each leader believed the others were conspiring against them, sending in the bandit parties and burning crops. All four secretly planned to have the others assassinated at their yearly meeting, they felt this was the only way to re-establish order and feed their people. When the day of the meeting came, all four leaders sat down to talk, their plans in motion, and all four assassinations were successful, each dying within seconds of the others. In order to punish their stupidity, the Gods decreed that the four slain leaders would be entombed below the tower, their spirits forced to spend eternity along side one another until they could come to an agreement.

The tower now stands as a ruin, the four still sealed below, at least so the stories go. Occasionally you can hear them arguing with one another, or maybe it's just the wind. Perhaps if someone could finally convince them to agree on something, or at least end their eternal arguments, the Gods might see fit to reward them.


This piece was created for Tom Cartos by Eduardo Nonato. You can find more of his work here:

Artstation - https://www.artstation.com/nonato
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/edu.nonatocavalcante/ 



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