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This is the complete variant set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution Day, Night, Clean, and Simple variants.

This map set is part of the Bharzul series.


Deeper into the Palace, behind the Throne Room, are the Council’s Chambers. Each of the 5 members of the Council of Elder’s have a residence here. Most of them also own property in the Upper City but spend the majority of their time within the Palace walls as their work keeps them busy and being within the Palace means they are better protected (and easier to keep an eye on).

There is only one official entrance in and out of the Chambers, and it is well guarded at all hours, but there are also numerous hidden passageways connecting the rooms, as well as routes out of the Palace. Some are known to the servants and are used to move around the chambers without disturbing the Council members or their aides. Others are only known to the King and Council members, methods of escape should all else fail.

Grid Information

  • GRID SIZE 44x34 (300DPI)
  • VTT SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

  • 01 – War Room – Bharzul has not been at war in centuries, but this chamber is still referred to as the War Room. The council meet here every day to discuss the current issues affecting the city and make official decisions.
  • 02 – Master of Arms’ Chambers – The Master of Arms is in charge of Bharzul’s armed forces and security. The current Master of Arms is Braggen Greysword.
  • 03 – Master of Coin’s Chambers – The Master of Coin governs all trade within the city and with its neighbours and ensures enough funds are directed to the right places. The current Master of Coin is Fimulda Brightstone.
  • 04 – Master of Machinations’ Chambers – The Master of Machinations is also the head of the Machinists Guild, and is in charge of ensuring all of the city’s machines and engineering runs smoothly, as well as spearheading new technologies. Unlike the other council members, this position is voted for by members of the guild only, and not the entire populace. For this reason, it is the position most likely to be given to a newcomer rather than a member of a dynastic family and is seen as the only real route for other families to get onto the council. The current Master of Machinations is Ysgrit Twendall.
  • 05 – Dining Room – Meals are served here five times a day for all members of the Council and their aides, regardless of whether they show up or not. More decisions and discussions about the running of the city happen at the dining table than in the war room.
  • 06 – Kitchen
  • 07 – Pantry
  • 08 – King’s Study  - Much of the King’s duties revolve around signing papers and corresponding with dignitaries and rules of other nations. As such the king spends more of his time here then he would like.
  • 09 – Royal Guest Chambers – Usually reserved for either the King’s consort or children. Lodbrook VII currently has neither, so the room is unoccupied.
  • 10 – Hand Servant’s Chambers – Most of the serving staff live in a different part of the Palace with their families, but the kings hand servants are kept close by to be available any time of the day or night.
  • 11 – King’s Chambers
  • 12 – Master Architects Study – The Master Architect oversees construction and town planning. The current Master Architect is Markos Beornhardt. They have held the role for almost two centuries and the city has expanded greatly in that time. Markos is widely held as the greatest architect in the history of the continent, and many other cities have tried to recruit their talents, unsuccessfully
  • 13 – Master Architects Bedroom
  • 14 – Treasure Display – There are many rooms in the palace dedicated to displaying items or great significance or value. There is seemingly nothing particularly different about this one that would suggest why these items have been chosen to be displayed in such a prestigious area.
  • 15 – Hidden Vault – This vault is only known to the King, Master Architect and Master of Arms and contains items that are considered too dangerous to be stored anywhere else than under their direct watch.
  • S – Secret Door



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