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Happy New Year everyone! I hope you all had a great break over the holiday season and are as excited as I am for what 2024 will bring.

Here is a quick review of last months releases.

In December we released -

  • 62 Maps, Tiles & Variants
  • 7 Illustrations
  • 256 Assets
  • 74 Tokens
  • 1 Adventure Module
  • 7 Complete Foundry VTT Modules
  • 1 Magic Item
  • 1 Custom Creature

Links to download all of this content can be found below. The Tier required to access each one is in brackets after the link. Free/Public Content is marked as (Free).


Bharzul City Map by Marco Bernardini

Bharzul is uniquely located within the Dawn Lands of Cartosia. Behind the city’s northern wall is the great Moribund Sea, filled with all manner of pirates, dangerous beasts and unknown leviathans. To the East and West are the Epicouatl mountains, impassable save for a few known routes many hundreds of miles away. Directly to the South is an almost sheer drop for thousands of feet.

A narrow, carved stone stair, known as the Steps of Agony, winds its way up the southern cliffside, but it is constantly soaked in spray from the Moribund Falls, making it treacherous at best. Any approach to the city is deadly, making it one of the best protected places on the continent.

Despite this, the dwarves have spent centuries perfecting their own methods of defence, should the natural barriers ever prove ineffective. While visitors are permitted if they can make the journey, particularly for trade, the native dwarves and their kin almost never leave. They have watched civilisation completely crumble around them twice in their history and know that their impenetrable citadel is all that saved them from the same fate.

Into the Wilds 

Rural 02

  • Water Mill - After the Windmill was destroyed this small family watermill became vital to the town. It may only have a single grindstone, but its is still substantially faster than grinding the wheat by hand and can run at all hours of the day. Everyone is hoping there are no more droughts this summer.
  • Druid's Henge - These large standing stones were placed on the hilltop thousands of years ago, and have been maintained every since by the same tribe of druids. They gather here at each full moon to conduct rituals and ceremonies, many of which seem incredibly strange to outsiders, but they are happy to invite others to join.
  • Carnival - The carnival has come to town! Set up in a clearing in the woods just along the main road, the carnival promises fun and delights for the whole family. There are games to test your skill, shows to entertain and mystics to read your future.
  • Circus Tent - The main draw of the carnival is the big top circus tent. Every evening a wondrous show is put on with acrobatics, magicians, music, poetry and much more! Many townsfolk will visit multiple times as the show is somehow different every night.
  • Free 
  • Hi-Res (Traveller+) 

Christmas Cabins Exterior Scene

Each year a very lucky group of good girls and boys are invited to party with Santa and the Elves once the gift deliveries are finished on Christmas morning. The selected guests are transported to this clearing on Christmas Eve and await Santa’s arrival the following morning so the festivities can begin.

However this year, the guests and elves wake up to find Santa hasn’t arrived. After a little look around, they realise his sleigh is on the roof, but the man himself is nowhere to be found. Is this a practical joke from the jolly fellow, or is something more sinister afoot?

This illustration was created by Eduardo Nonato for Tom Cartos - https://www.artstation.com/nonato

Characters of Bharzul 01

Depository Master Davoth Hammerock

Depository Master Davoth Hammerock, or DM Dav for short, is a dwarf with an outwardly grumpy disposition but a keen love of knowledge and writing. Many of the tomes within the depository were penned by his own hand, and his speed and quality of penmanship are unmatched.

Bobb the Tree

Aside from Davoth, the only other living worker is his half-giant assistant Bobb. Bobb is an incredibly affable fellow and due to his extreme size is affectionately known as ‘The Tree’ to many of the depository’s regular visitors, most of whom are dwarves.

Astronomer Cri

Astronomer Cri runs the Observatory, which is located on a small plateau in the mid-city. The record halls are open to the public by appointment, and the gallery is often filled with dwarven schoolchildren viewing the planetarium. Cri has a deep love for the stars and planets, and it is her greatest joy to share it with others.

These illustrations were created by Rixt Heerschop for Tom Cartos - https://rixtheerschop.com/

Carnival & Circus - 75 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of Carnival and Circus themed assets.

Dwarven Palace 01 - 26 New Assets (Adventurer+) - This Asset Pack contains a variety of Dwarven Palace themed assets.

Dungeondraft Megapack V1.34 (Adventurer+) - Complete Tom Cartos Asset collection for Dungeondraft, updated every month! 

These assets have also been added to Moulinette Cloud

Elf NPC Token Pack 01 Sample (Free) - 2 Free Elf NPC tokens 

Elf NPC Token Pack 01 Base Set (Traveller+) - 14 Elf NPC Tokens arranged by class. 

Elf NPC Token Pack 01 Variants (Adventurer+) - 70 Elf NPC Tokens arranged by class. 

These tokens will also been added to Moulinette Cloud

These tokens were created for Tom Cartos by Splattered Ink

Premium 5e Adventures (Adventurer+)

Stagmire’s Judge by Alex LeFort - 9th to 11th Level

A fearsome black dragon known as Nirangor the Judge rules over the sodden lands of the Stagmire as itsself-appointed sovereign. Scion of the ancient black dragon that destroyed the elven city-state of Silvathalion, Nirangor believes that the Stagmire is her birthright. Can the dragon be slain so that the land may be reclaimed?

Scenes (Forgemaster+)

5e Adventures (Forgemaster+)

Springfoot’s Spirit for 5e & PF2E

The reclusive Springfoot keep their community and traditions safely guarded, away from the clawing progress of today’s world. They instead prefer to stick to their traditions and practice their arts in what peace they can manage for themselves without outside interference. In rare cases, the Springfoot’s may gift a robe to an outsider granting them the greatest boon they could offer, a spiritual tail ready to serve those who have earned it through word and deed.

Hi Res (Traveller+) 

This magic item was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

Springfoot for 5e & PF2E

Reclusive and secretive in nature, few know the Springfoot society even exists in the forests outside of the Dwarven capitol. In actuality, that is just how the Springfoot would prefer it to stay. Living a quiet life of harmony and seeking peace through self awareness is what most of the Springfoot strive for. While some do journey away from their communities, it is forbidden to ever reveal the location of their home. Springfoot value their secrecy above all as they desire to never let their lands be spoiled and their communities be invaded.

Hi Res (Traveller+)  

This creature was created for Tom Cartos by Abyssal Brews

TC Modern is my new Patreon with modern themed Battlemaps and Assets!

Fast Food Restaurant


TC Modern Asset Packs (Explorer+)

Sports & Games 01 - 92 New Assets 

Arcade Machines - 63 New Assets 

DungeonDraft Asset Packs December 2023 (Explorer+)

These Scenes & Assets will also be added to Moulinette Cloud



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