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This is the base set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution day and night variants of every level. Higher tier patrons can get the complete set with additional variants HERE 

This map set is part of the Hideouts & Lairs series.


Along the Eastern side of the Boreus Desert is a labyrinth of stone valleys seemingly carved into the desert. Even those familiar with the region can easily get lost, especially when a sandstorm settles in obscuring what little can be seen. Scattered throughout the maze are the remains of a civilization that once lived here, facades carved into the rockface and elegant structures within. Time and erosion have left little evidence of who used to live here, but there are several more recent inhabitants.

The greatest and most fearsome of these is the Brass Dragon Petralidon who has claimed a crumbling temple as his lair. He allows the other lesser creatures to reside in the labyrinth as they are a useful deterrent to any who may disturb him, but even they fear to come too close. Those who do risk a peek are likely to hear the dragon deep in very one-sided conversations. For a being that so values solitude, he is strangely chatty.

Grid Information

  • GRID SIZE 44x34 (300DPI)
  • VTT SIZE – 6160x4760 (140DPI)

Design Notes

Brass Dragon Lair – Labyrinth

  • 01 – Stone Guardians – A remnant of the ancient civilisation, these guardians keep watch over the labyrinth. Petralidon has named each of them and imagines they have unique personalities. They have also been enchanted to defend his lair if called upon.
  • 02 – Ruins – These would once have been magnificent, intricately carved with murals and script, but are now mostly eroded.
  • 03 – Wells – These can be found throughout the labyrinth but are almost all completely dry.
  • 04 – Treasure Hoard – Petralidon keeps his hoard in this open-topped chamber, tossing in any new items from a perch above. Small creatures could potentially squeeze in at the base, but the hoard is trapped. If any but Petralidon venture in a violent sandstorm is conjured up outside, forcing the trespassers to remain inside until the Dragon come to find them.
  • 05 – Guest Chambers – Petralidon keeps these chambers well maintained and stocked, despite never having and actual guests.
  • 06 – Labyrinth – The maze of ravines and tunnels extends for miles. Only those with the gift of flight and great endurance can easily navigate them.
  • 07 – Grand Hall – The hall is flanked by a very odd collection of statues. These are Petralidons ‘court’. He spends hours each day debating and discussing with them, imagining their replies in his mind. Each has it’s own name, personality and detailed back story.
  • 08 – Study – After long sessions with the court, Petralidon retires in humanoid form to record what was discussed and any new decisions that have been reached.
  • 09 – Audience Chamber – Petralidon’s primary sleeping chamber. It can be accessed from above via a collapsed wind tower. Petralidon flies in and out through this opening.

Brass Dragon Lair – Plateau

  • 10 – Plateau – The cliff sides level off at varying heights creating a series of plateaus. Some try to navigate the labyrinth using these as they give slightly elevated views, but there is no continuous path meaning they have to be climbed up and down to continue.
  • 11 – Light Shafts – These openings bring light into the hall below.
  • 12 – Collapsed Wind Tower – This structure once bought high winds down into the Grand Hall, keeping it cool during the hottest parts of the day. It has long since collapsed and is now used as Petralidon’s entrance to the temple.



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