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This is the complete variant set for this weeks maps. It includes high resolution Day, Night, Water, Void, Clean, and Simple variants.

This map set is part of the Bharzul series.


The Stone Palace is enormous, sprawling over dozens of levels both above and below ground. The sections of building that are visible from the outside are just the tip of the iceberg. In times of emergency the Palace could easily house every citizen within Bharzul. Some parts of the palace are centuries old, while new sections are constantly being added or renovated.

The Palace and city are presided over by a council of five elders, led by the King. Despite being democratically elected, these 5 seats have stayed in the same families for centuries, largely due to the successes of their leadership.

The current King is Braun Lodbrook VII. Like many of his kin, he is wary of outsiders. The dwarves of Bharzul have seen the avarice of other cities lead to their downfall and that of their allies, and they have little trust that the same won’t happen again. However the wealth of Bharzul relies largely on trade with others so visitors to the city are allowed, although closely watched.

Lodbrook is also secretly building a fleet of airships deep within the palace, using new technology taken from the Machinists Guild. A few of these have been sent out to patrol the skies of the city in an apparent test of their capabilities, but no one outside the council of five know his true intent for them.

Grid Information

Entrance Hall

  • GRID SIZE 34x33 (300DPI)
  • VTT SIZE – 4760x4620(140DPI)

Throne Room

  • GRID SIZE 34x24 (300DPI)
  • VTT SIZE – 4760x3360(140DPI)

Design Notes

Stone Palace – Entrance Hall

  • 01 – Entrance Door – After passing through the ravine path and travelling through the tunnel in the mountain for some way, visitors to the Stone Palace find themselves at this door. The doors open seemingly on their own, leading into the cavernous entrance hall.
  • 02 – Corridors – These side corridors lead off to the different wings and levels of the Palace.
  • 03 – Crown Seat Corridor – This corridor leads to the council’s chambers and throne room. This section of the palace is given the same name as the rocky cliffs that encircle the Stone Palace – the Crown Seat.
  • 04 – Central Pit – In a long past war, before the construction of the city of Bharzul, a great battle took place in these halls. The floor was sundered open sending a great demon tumbling to the depths of the earth below. During reconstruction, part of the pit was left as a memorial.
  • 05 – Demons Blade – The suspended platform in the centre of the pit displays the weapon wielded by the felled demon. The blade is 10ft wide and was almost 200 feet long when whole.

Stone Palace – Throne Room

  • 01 – Entrance – In theory, anyone who wishes to talk to the council of five is allowed to do so, regardless of their station. Sessions are held once a week and both citizens and visitors may bring their case. Few do however, as the throne room is deliberately intimidating, and most minor matters are settled by local officials.
  • 02 – Auditorium – These seats are available for members of the court during council sessions but are rarely used due to their precarious nature.
  • 03 – Audience Platform – Those seeking an audience with the council do so from this platform.
  • 04 – Speakers Platform – It is rare for members of the council to speak during these sessions, instead their will is conveyed by a speaker.
  • 05 – Councils Seats – The five members of the council take their seats here, with the King in the centre.
  • 06 – Balcony – Upper court members are given these seats to view the council sessions if they so wish.
  • 07 – Galleries – This where the remaining court members tend to stand, as opposed to the auditorium seats below, however this only usually happens if something of particular importance or interest is occurring.



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